[@Lucifina] Thanks for the interest :D I'm hoping when I can get the rest of it pulled together you'll like what you see and join us in this! Do you have any ideas about what you'd like to play as? TO ALL (I will edit all of this at a later point to pull things together better. While I may not be good at the drawing aspect of art, I do know at least what looks eye-catching :p Further notes: Each faction is a different portion of the various common "generic DnD moralities" to try and explain their positions I guess. The Ouroborus: Chaotic Neutral with a bit of Evil leaning (though, they have some serious issues admittedly :p) The Veiled Ones: Neutral Good leaning (with a definite tilt towards good, however, they do engage in certain questionable behaviors and will happily overlook another's wrongdoing for their purposes.) The Guilds: Lawful Neutral (They follow the law of the land, however, the situation demands sacrifices that these people recognize and are willing to pay) The Kingdom: Lawful Evil (They are the law and wish to destroy anyone who is not them. They're close to calling genocide on their own people) The Vanguard: Lawful Good (however they ARE on the wrong side. Good people who try to do good things but work for the vilest people. LMAO, it's perfect!) The common folk technically on a whole are neutral good, but times are tough AND many of the people turned to committing atrocities in the name of survival. Currently, the general populace is leaning towards evil behaviors for the sake of their own skin. I hope this helps everyone get an idea of the moral codes to a certain extent of the various groups :D Also, the sides each faction is on will more than likely fluctuate throughout the story. Since whoever leads them will have the authority to break agreement and treaties. However, there can and will be backlash if certain groups take certain actions.