[center][color=FF7F50][i]Looks like the show's over.[/i][/color] Dust drifted on the wind, signaling the end. Koda, or whatever he had become, was dead. Stormy was wounded and being tended to. Everyone seemed to be in motion, except herself and Tristan. She let her eyes roam freely, along with her thoughts. There was something oddly calming about the way things ended. Before, her stomach was tight and small dreads had wrapped a thorny vice around her heart. Now she was smiling, despite the tension that still lingered. She could feel the grass through the mesh on her feet, lightly brushing against her with each step. [color=FF7F50][i]I didn't really know, Koda.[/i][/color] The thought of him seeking her help on the tracks passed through her mind, [color=FF7F50][i]but he ain't seem like that kinda guy.[/i][/color] A part of her was fully convinced that it didn't matter, already hashing out that it had something to do with his Semblance. Another part was sad that it had to end like it did; that Stormy had to suffer the thing's bite. That Tristan had to pull the trigger. She had paid attention to that part; more closely than some of the others. [color=FF7F50][i]Now that I know what it does, I'm gonna have to be real careful.[/i][/color] Once more, as she had before, Tabitha let her fingers touch on the strange gun's grip; before she let herself follow her instinct. Ellard started taking steps behind her, intending to follow along. [color=FF7F50]"Go hang around the others,"[/color] she didn't turn, but pointed toward them. [color=FF7F50]"I got somethin' I need to talk about. Alone."[/color] She had expected resistance, for some reason; or at the very least a protest. Instead, she heard a few soft steps away from her. [color=FF7F50]"Thanks, kid. I appreciate it."[/color] The boy stopped walking, at that. [color=c4df9b]"Be careful,"[/color] there was a slight tremble in his voice, [color=c4df9b]"I don't know what's going on, but he's..."[/color] She didn't want to hear whatever was coming next. [color=FF7F50][i]Dangerous?[/i][/color] A laugh came at that, quiet but genuine. Ellard continued walking, a heavy silence settling in at her back; despite the commotion. [color=FF7F50][i]Everyone here's dangerous, probably. I ain't know half of 'em. I ain't wanna know the rest,[/i][/color] a small huff escaped her and Tabitha lingered still on the precipice of action. [color=FF7F50][i]I ain't got nothin' to offer Stormy. I'll talk to her after she's better. Wonder if dude's bite was poisonous? Fuck.[/i][/color] A giggle bubbled up from her depths, this time not one she fought back. It felt normal, now, almost, to be laughing like she did. Since they had arrived in Irriss laughter had haunted her, small giggles from her mouth; though they felt like they came from somewhere far away. [color=FF7F50][i]She'll be fine. Deal with what ya know ya need to.[/i][/color] Her progress was purposefully slow. She thought she'd seen an eye flick in her direction, during the conflict, and was at least partially sure that he would be aware of her approach. Voices reached her, but were barely noted. They had their problem to deal with. [color=FF7F50][i]It ain't matter, they'll do fine. Keep on walkin'.[/i][/color] She had her own ideas about the situation, about the [i]why[/i] of it. [color=FF7F50][i]Sometimes injuries ain't on the surface.[/i][/color] Even if Tabitha saw the Koda-thing's execution as necessary, there were others who would struggle with it. [color=FF7F50][i]Ain't that a little cold, though? To think of the guy like he was always that thing?[/i][/color] She laid an arm over her stomach, taking the final few steps to approach Tristan's side, the other lifted; giving a half-wave. [color=FF7F50][i]I guess it ain't matter. We failed.[/i][/color] Tabitha stopped beside him, a small smile on her face. [color=FF7F50]"Good shot, Tristan."[/color] It probably wasn't the best thing to say, but it was what she had settled on. [color=FF7F50]"Ya saved some asses, for sure. Thanks."[/color] Her smile widened, Tabitha looking over his form in full. The lifted hand trailed to the tendrils of her hat, toying with them as she spoke. [color=FF7F50]"I'm startin' to think that what we just saw, what ya just had to put an end to, is the reality around here."[/color] Whatever the Koda-thing was, laying eyes on it had set her heart in an odd place; pity and spite for what he had become, an instinct she was unsure of. Before it had been ambivalence. Koda was one of them, that was true; but [i]them[/i] was hardly a solid concept for Tabitha. The group was connecting, in some ways. She could see that much. Still, her place was outside those small circles. [color=FF7F50][i]Ain't never really been a fan of cliques, anyway.[/i][/color] She almost laughed at herself, with that thought. A woman was bleeding on the grass, bitten by some shadowy nightmare; people attending her with frantic care. Yet, here she was attempting to reach out. To be certain that a bond from Lightbridge, tenuous as it felt, was still there. [color=FF7F50][i]Am I scared?[/i][/color] That thought drove her forward, her hand leaving the massive hat and coming to rest on Tristan's shoulder. She took her eyes from molten gold and gunmetal to look skyward. The shadow of Magician's tower seemed to be stretching close to them. With another small bout of walking, they would be at his gate. The sun was threatening to set, leaving them to their first night in Irriss. [color=FF7F50][i]Don't ignore their suffering.[/i][/color] A command to herself, from herself. Away from the pastel hues of coming struggles and back to the foreign world stained by common confrontation. They settled on Stormy, being aided by Zino. [color=FF7F50][i]Even the new guy's leaping into action.[/i][/color] Ellard was standing behind them, pale but watching. [color=FF7F50]"Fuck,"[/color] she said, letting her hand drop from Tristan's shoulder and turning to face him fully, [color=FF7F50]"I ain't any good at this. Ya probably already know that, so I'm just gonna say what's on my mind."[/color] She didn't wait before launching into it. Tabitha rarely did. [color=FF7F50]"I don't like this shit. I know ya ain't happy with what just happened, either. But let me be straight; I'm glad ya shot him. He was gonna kill Stormy...and once ya had his attention, we both know what it was after next."[/color] Her free hand went under her hat, digging around inside the rim of it. She produced something, two somethings she had kept hidden for a while. Quickly, she lit a cigarette; putting the pack and lighter away with fluid motions. Green locks were brushed aside, her eyes still on the myriad spread of Tristan's own. She took a drag and exhaled, to the side. [color=FF7F50]"I ain't want ya to..."[/color] articulating the exact thought was difficult, so she latched onto something else, [color=FF7F50]"Look, ya said before that ya afraid of 'fallin' out of step'...I've been thinkin' about that, really hard the last little while."[/color] She struggled, biting her lower lip and dragging a foot back and forth; taking a slow drag from the cigarette. [color=FF7F50]"I'm afraid of havin' the only person here,"[/color] her eyes dropped, then drifted back up staring hard into him, [color=FF7F50]"that I know...that I really care about endin' up tearin' himself to pieces."[/color] Tabitha's eyes softened, the slight edge in them retreating. Something in her had changed course. Thoughts of the C-Route filled her mind, for a moment. [color=FF7F50][i]There was so much fuckin' blood. Blood on the tracks, blood on the platform.[/i][/color] That same part that pushed her there knew why she needed to see this. Slowly, it clicked for her entirety. [color=FF7F50]"I'm scared of losin' you, man. We made a promise to go back, together."[/color] It was a simple statement, uttered with an honesty that made Tabitha feel completely exposed. [color=FF7F50]"I ain't forget what happened. I ain't gonna forget this. Ya ain't, either, I bet. So, I'm takin' ya up on that offer from earlier. Let's talk. I told ya what's on my mind. Ya turn."[/color] She had said her small piece. Letting the gaps be simply what they were. Tristan, or anyone who happened to overhear, could make of what she said what they would. Slowly, she took another long drag and lowered herself to put out the cigarette. Rising, she breathed out the last of it. [color=FF7F50][i]I'd kill for a drink, right about now.[/i][/color] Ellard, lingering behind them, watched Zino's effort to stanch Stormy's bleeding. He was quiet, his expression one of grim concern. He didn't speak loudly, so Tabitha couldn't hear him; but the others certainly would. [color=c4df9b]"Do you think the Magician did this to him? Your friend."[/color][/center]