[h2] [centre] [color=6ecff6]Victoria [i]Darya[/i] Romus[/color][/centre] [/h2] [color=c4df9b][h3] [centre] Swan Songs . Monday Evening [/centre] [/h3] [/color] [hr] Victoria's worries started to hit home as she watched the glares and venom from thr three stooges to Mali as she stole the limelight for a short time and derailed thr Hutt and utterly stupid Indian man. Wow, she had seen some dumb blondes, reality tv, and more. He took the biscuit. Turning back to the man, he seemed nice to her. Was he limping. Maybe he understood her abit better than the rest of them round here? Blacksmith... Well least he seemed to have a honest trade. And it kinda had a charm to it. A blacksmith and a jokey business plug. Well things seemed to be improving. [i][color=6ecff6]"least its a honest trade. And much more intresting. Websites. Apps.. Coding. Lady de Winter if you wanna find me. Its alright. I fell ill, well things happened and this me. Not like I can hide it. Hardly blend in [/color][/i] Gesturing to the walking stick resting by chair and shrugging at obviously unnatural snow white skin and hair colour that would probbly be a sign most people should be in a hospital. Her website was a fairly modern affair, a few jobs listed and examples of work. Medium businesses and some smaller sites. She was not a pro with major work but ernough to let her buy the odd nice dress and afford decent coffee. He turned and looked at the stage. Marlin was still up there. Victorias stomach turned at having to even be next to that blob of a man yet alone have to face him. [i][color=6ecff6]that's my sister... Don,t let him off easy. Il keep a eye out for.... [/color][/i] She was about to look round the place and talk to someone else and be social then the sprinklers burst into life and started soaking everyone causing mass panic. The security goons already tense and only getting more tense as security though thugs where somewhat clearly obvious of thr destabilising situations. Cold water hit her pale skin, damn backless dress no coat and cold water this was going to be less than fun. Mali should escape soonish, there was a nearby fore exit and the car park the white discovery was parked near ernough. Least she knew there was a way out, making her way slowly, bumped, pushed by patrons and the security thugs trying to secure therecharges exit. The outside air was cold and stung her wet skin and dress clings slightly as hmshe made way out among the throng looking desperately for freinds or her sister who might of rushed out that exit. The car park was further back, she could see the road and goons on the street rapidly gaining the drivers ire, a large helicopter was Sat in road, thr road was blocked. What the hell stunt where this trio pulling! Shivering among the crowds, everyone taller felt particularly vulnerable, I'd only she had the car keys! The small, ghostly pale blonde woman was just another there panicking and cold face in a large crowd. [hr] [@Pilatus][@Furiosa][@Robo27][@Monacho][@King Tai][@Voltus_Ventus][@Jay Kalton][@aladdin_sane][@RabidPorcupine][@PrinceAlexus][@RoccanIronclad]