[h3]Kei Kinzo[/h3] Everything was happening so fast at the time, it was getting a bit confusing for Kei to follow, so as soon as Marlin decided to go up and take the spotlight he turned himself the other way and laid his head against the arm rest. Letting out a loud sigh he drowned out all the outside noise with his own thoughts, as he was slowly drifting away in his thoughts, he was abruptly brought out from his day dream by the sound of the fire alarm going off and water from the sprinklers splashing all over him. Looking up he was confused. Without a second moment of thought he got up from his seat and began heading towards the door as every other patron was doing, there was no point to staying inside the venue and getting both soaked and deafened at the same time. He slowly began shuffling towards the door, looking at his surrouding to see if everyone he knew was also getting out and was safe.