[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171118/b10551964938b79bafac72120d275a68.png[/img][/url] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8nted1aDy1qd1xtuo1_400.gif[/img] [color=91B3D0][b]Location:[/b][/color] Washington Square [color=91B3D0][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color]No One[/center] [hr] Katalina pushed a piece of her golden brown hair behind her ear that had escaped her side ponytail before retightening the ribbon in her hair. She was one of the three waitress making and handing out drinks and invites for the founders day 'exclusive' party at the Black Cat club tonight. The club calls the party exclusive but in reality, it is open to everyone to come, they just hand out special flyers that they call 'exclusive invites' to the party to get more business. Picking up a big box with cases of beer in it, Katalina carried the beer over near the giant bin of ice they had behind their booth. When she set the box down, she opened it up and began unloading the individual beers out of the cases and into the ice bin. While working, she glanced at a clock on a booth nearby and noticed she only had a few more minutes left on her shift then she would have some time to rest before the Founders Day party at the club that night. Focusing back on her work she got the last beer from the first case unloaded and got to work on the next case, beginning to zone out as she fully focused on unloading the cases of beer. It was when Katalina was finally done that she heard one of her co-workers call out behind her, [i]"Hey Kat!"[/i] Katalina turned around and looked at her co-worker. [i]"Could you go dump this trash since its full and you are totally the strongest of the three of us?"[/i] Her co-worker, a tall brunette, asked her. [color=91B3D0][b]"Yeah, just make sure you save some numbers for me. You guys can't be getting all the hot ones while I'm gone."[/b][/color] Katalina joked, winking at her coworkers who laughed and refocused on the customers in front of them. The golden-haired girl went and got the trash bags out of the trash cans. She stopped for a moment when she got the trash bags out of the cans, the smell from earlier filling her nostrils. It wasn't the smell of the trash in her hands, or all the alcohol at the booth, the food from other booths, or even the smell of the mixture of humans, wolves, witches, warlocks, and vampires... no, this smell was pure, more pure than anything she had smelled before and it was putting her a bit on edge. Katalina softly shook her head as she tied the bags shut and began carrying them towards some dumpsters in an alley across the street. After throwing the trash in the dumpsters she walked onto the sidewalk of the main street and brushed her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9a/7d/55/9a7d55163776fabd40e137137cc5a9eb.jpg]dress[/url] off, straightening it out as she looked across the street to the main set up of Founders Day. She looked at everything going on in the square and let out a sigh. Frowning Kat thought about her sister, Calliope had caught the flu from a classmate and wasn't able to enjoy the festivities of the day with Kat like the two had originally planned. Katalina pushed the thoughts of her sister out of her mind, Calli was safe and being taken care of at the orphanage which was probably for the best with all the supernaturals that Katalina could smell around. Her sister had to beg her a lot to convince her to agree to go to the event with her this year so, in the end, the fact that Calli ended up sick put Katalina at ease other than the fact she was now worried about her sister being sick. Looking both ways to make sure it was safe, Katalina made her way across the street, her heeled ankle boots clicking with every step. She made her way back to the club's booth where she saw her replacement had already started. Kat bid the girls a goodbye as she grabbed her jean jacket and slipped it on, grabbing the free drink she got for working and beginning to meander around sipping the beverage. As the warm feeling of the alcohol spread over her with her first sip, she took another whiff of the air to see if the odd smell was still there. Not only was the odd smell there but she smelled a new vampire in the area, this one different from the others. She looked towards where the smell had come from and tried to pinpoint the one giving off the smell but her skills at pinpointing exact smells were not the best. It also didn't help that she was interrupted by a small wave of cramps running through her body. Katalina cursed under her breath at the cramps that had come yet again that day, the cramps having woken her up in the morning. She knew what it meant but it didn't mean she wanted to listen to what her body was trying to tell her. She began walking again chugging the rest of her drink and throwing away the cup in a nearby trash can as her face settled into a scowl. She hadn't shifted in a while and she knew she was pushing it, but that's just what she did. Kat only shifted when her body basically couldn't stand it anymore since she didn't like that side of herself. That was unless William came and pestered her about it, which she found extremely annoying but it didn't seem like anything she did could push him away much to her dismay. As the she-wolf walked she fiddled with her special necklace still just looking and walking aimlessly. That was until she spotted the boy who pestered and annoyed her, William. Upon seeing him in the distance she quickly turned on her heel and began walking back the other way. She was not in the mood to deal with him as her shifting cramps, what she tended to call them, made her a bit moody at times... especially with people who just seemed to know how to push her buttons like William. Katalina walked fast, hoping she would go unspotted, at the same time keeping her eye out for other pack members or supernatural creatures. All the girl really wanted was to be alone but she knew that luck typically was never on her side, so she would savor it while she could.