[@Lovejoy] I've got several theories. But it doesn't work unless I pick the "right" one. So there's some sort of representation of a Remnant we've yet to encounter, the ice titan (since it's freezing, and since the fire titan seems unlikely), something related to that meteorite, so far. Also, it could be a representation of an aegis. The more I look at it, the more certain I am that it's not related to Omestris nor to the fire titan and such directly. This might be a vision of a possible future, or things related to what's to come (can you say foreshadowing? =P) but it was granted our chars by a fragment of the ice titan, specifically Varya, and that circle is blue (ice-related color -- though the inquisition uses red. ...Probably because Lovejoy started out with a phoenix for us, but whateverrrrr), and frigid. It seems to fit. It's interesting that Ziotea's is protective, and Viveca's is (apparently) harmful. AUGH I'M JUST SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN! *explodes*