The kitchen. It was a spot of normalcy in an endless swirl of the unknowable. In that, it seems almost . . . weird. This room was made for a human, an adult human at least. A place Riley could easily imagine daddy whipping up batter for one of his famous burnt cupcakes, or mummy rearranging the pans to a more 'efficient' layout. Light came from the other side of blinds that covered the windows. Could it be sunlight? Riley took one hesitant step in. Then another. Nina clutched at her ankles, stiff as a board. A voice rings out. The sound of a boy, a regular person boy, if any exist here. Just on the other side of the window, too. She couldn't see on the other side, and was a little afraid to try. It didn't seem above any of the fairies she met so far to play a trick on her. Seems downright standard, in fact, if they were just using the voice of a person to lure her out and eat her up. Nina moved then. She held her nose up and sniffed in the air. She jumped around, slowly approaching the window. Was she smelling a human or a fairy? Riley had to know, even if it put her at risk. She felt her legs moving her, one step in front of the other, towards the blind. She pulled one side back and looked out, her greatest hope being that a glowing eye was not on the other end.