Alim awoke within the uppermost level of the Dwemer ruins along with a few of the other more daring or studious individuals. Out and about bright and early was usually his schedule, particularly the day before a high paying job. He donned his clothing and armor in his moderately sized tent, the chainmail falling atop his shoulders, strapping on his belt and scabbard. Despite his roguish charm and light feet, he didn't look unscrupulous or disheveled. Alim had the refined appearance of a Highrock prince, albeit a particularly dark skinned one. His cloak and trappings only enhanced the look, though granted much of it was worn and scarred (including himself) because of his years of travel. Once he left the tent, he ate a light breakfast of jerky as he made his way outside to catch some frigid, fresh air before heading back in to duck and dodge through the first level of the Dwemer settlement, vaulting over lower columns and kicking off the oddly symmetrical walls before landing at the back of the group just before Rhea addressed them all. As she did so, he began to ponder. T'was odd, he'd heard of Rhea in passing but he'd never imagined he'd meet her in person. He was quite interested in talking to her privately about some of the excavations and quests she had been on. The fact that she was a beautiful woman had only about 40% to do with his interest. Either way, he was glad someone as competent as her was leading this mission, though complications could always arise. He knew [i]that[/i] was one reason why he was here. You needed people of intelligence on this sort of If you had ruins to explore, you needed a tomb diver like himself. Once Rhea led them away, he slipped through the ranks until he was near the fore of the group, a fierce grin lighting up his face when he saw the lift he had wanted to take for the past few days. The pistons pumping and steam whooshing, the lift began to lower, Alim gazing upwards before drinking in the sights of each level. He asked Rhea if anyone had deigned to explore any of these levels in great detail, somewhat disappointed they weren't going down level by level, though he had to admit it brought a curiosity to him on what they would be exploring if it was even lower than these blocks. To the others, the complication with the lift was probably entirely an unforeseen phenomena, and truly he didn't exactly know what was going to happen until the first tilt of the lift's base. "Well this is gonna be fun." He deadpanned, his body loosening ever so slightly for what he was afraid would come next. With a crack, the side of the lift broke and the entire floor tilted. The group began to free fall, Alim's body twisting like a feline. Moving on instinct, Alim kicked off the floor and grabbed an odd symmetrical pipe along the wall just as the lift halted. He heard screams and yells, and multiple splashes into what could only be an underground river below. The lift made it onto the ground, having slowed to a crawl after its initial malfunction. The Redguard let go when he heard the others, landing close to the remaining party, though he nearly slipped on the landing from the water coated rocks. [i]“Is everyone alright?” Rhea called out, pulling herself up from the lift and helping out the person beside her get to her feet. “Could we get some light, please?”[/i] Alim was steadying himself while the others were still on the lift, and he heard distant cries along the riverway. Undoing his backpack, he set it down and patted himself, making sure he had all of his equipment. His mind moved mechanically, checking himself and then gazing around the cavern with what little light they had from the upper levels. He might be quick to tease, but he was a smuggler, an adventurer, and a renegade spellsword. He knew his business, particularly in dangerous situations such as these. "I'm alright," he let the others know, already making his way over to the water's edge and peering down. Alim lowered himself, placing a hand in the water. He cringed lightly, noting how cold it was. Granted, it wasn't freezing as would be on the surface. But it would still be unpleasant. Unwilling to leave behind most of his belongings, he set them down near the water's edge as Giaus gave his prayers. Alim had seen the falmer structure too, and while it caused fear to creep up his spine, he was too preoccupied with psyching himself up for what he was about to do. He placed his cloak within his pack to keep himself from getting pulled any harder, and then slung it back over his body. "Rhea," he called to the expedition head. "I heard noises down the river. I'll go and get the others if they're alive. If we run into one another again, tap the wall three times, and then twice. I'll respond in kind." Before anyone could protest or question, Alim took in a breath and dived. Later, he would chuckle and what would probably be an incredulous response from the group. But he knew he needed to help round up the others. The cold water exploded around his senses, but he had expected such a feeling and let himself slowly drift for a short while. Short enough for even him to hold his breath, before pushing off the bottom and making it to the other side of the small waterway. He'd been expecting to fall in unlike the others, but even so it was rough, making him grab at the rocks multiple times before he could conceivably haul himself out of the water. Once he gained a handhold, he pulled hard, gritting his teeth and flopping onto the floor. It took him a few moments to realize he was next to a glowing mushroom-like plant, and standing before him was a silhouette of a woman. He either drowned and to the upper planes, or got lucky very quickly. Wiping his matted hair and hand from his eyes, he saw it was indeed Meg. "Well met," he said, his voice smooth as silk despite her having probably seen him struggling and gasping for air not moments before. He got to his feet and blinked, smoothing his hair and couching up some more, unexpected water. "Have you seen the others?"