[center][h2][color=MediumTurquoise]Piper Morgan[/color][/h2]Port Crescendo East Academy | [color=silver][i]Cafeteria[/i][/color] [hider][img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kagerouproject/images/a/ae/Ene.png/revision/latest?cb=20130102023215[/img] [@Migyudon][/hider][/center][hr][hr] Piper shoved her way through a crowd of students in the hall, each heading to their next period amidst the chaos that came with the school bell. When a rather brutish looking senior blocked her path, Piper was forced to sit still and patiently await the swarm to disperse. Tapping her foot with an irritated glare plastered across her face, her arms folded across her chest. A few students made comment on her perturbed nature before going about their day. After what seemed like an eternity, the hallway was silent. Yet even with the meathead jock nowhere to be seen, Piper was still standing in the exact same spot. She scowled, irritated by the homogeneity of it all. "[color=PowderBlue]Damn sheep,[/color]" She spat, directed at no one in particular. Or perhaps it was for everyone? Every single student who walked these halls day in and day out, rising with each bell like a well trained dog. How could they stand it? The thought alone drove Piper insane. Her mother's words echoed through her mind. [i][color=silver]Please, do it for me? Just try to live an ordinary school life.[/color][/i] Her teeth clenched at the thought. Ordinary? Who was she to decide what was normal. If normal meant enduring the torment of generic student life then Piper wanted no part of it. Strolling through the now empty halls, Piper opened up her network and scrolled through a selection of data. The fingers on her right hand flew across a holographic interface, inputting some basic commands. The world outside of her Enlil Network just seemed to fade away as Piper hacked her way through a few of the schools defensive encryption. It was pretty standard stuff, but still nothing to scoff at. Unfortunately for Port Crescendo East, Piper was a little too good. In front of her, Piper brought up the attendance log which each teacher submitted to administration to report missing students. With a few button presses, Piper sneakily removed any trace of her cutting classes from the data. The concept of an ordinary life was just something boring people with no drive made up to justify their mediocrity. Piper was better than normal. The people around her just didn't see it; and as a result she'd spent a lot of her youth hopping from town to town. Wherever she went, she put her skills to good use. There were always those who didn't appreciate that. As she approached the cafeteria, Piper convinced herself that this was why she had to keep going. The thought of being seen as an ordinary student sickened, no frightened, her. Standing tall, Piper closed her interface before being met with an energetic woman who looked like a senior. Her long, black hair was gorgeous; but unfortunately eclipsed by the utter mess she was making. Piper was about to sneer at her invite, ready to lash out with some searing rejection, until the plate of sliders was placed before her. Her posture loosened immediately, almost salivating at the sight! Perhaps this girl was a potential client who had heard of Piper's little favors? Sliding into the seat across from Aofie, Piper beamed gleefully. "[color=PowderBlue]Don't mind if I do![/color]" She sunk her teeth right into one of the burgers in front of her. As soon as the juicy, succulent beef danced along her taste buds, she let out a squeal of delight. She was so absorbed in her food that she didn't even notice Widget playfully hovering around the stranger, who seemed equally enamored with the little robot. "[color=PowderBlue]Food always tastes better free![/color]" Once she had swallowed her mouthful, Piper leant in close to Aofie and rested her elbows on the table between them. "[color=PowderBlue]So, what do you need done? Homework answers? Dirty secrets?[/color]" The hacker had grossly misinterpreted Aofie's gesture, though why else would someone be willing to offer her free food?