[center][b]Harry Potter: An Alternate World[/b][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cCAXYOS.png[/img][/center] Harry Potter was known as the Boy who lived. At such a young age, he became an accomplished wizard who was able to stop and kill one of the most powerful villains ever known. His tales are told throughout the wizarding world, including those of the intelligent Hermione Granger and the brave Ron Weasley. Through his sacrifice and duty, Potter was able to stop Voldemort and bring ultimate peace to the world itself. Had Voldemort been able to continue, his efforts would have been costly for all muggles world-wide. This tale is your own. This is what happened in your world, not mine. The tale of the brave Harry Potter is unknown to us here. Our tale is one woven with hatred and death, where no one saved us from the ultimate destruction. This is our tale. When the first battle of Hogwarts concluded, Voldemort gave Harry a choice. Come out and face him or the entire school would be slaughtered. In your world, Harry bravely faced Voldemort with determination and duty. Ours? Our Harry fled. Perhaps it was nerves. Maybe someone took him from the battlefield, because they did not understand how the future would look. Or maybe Harry was killed by something on the side before he could meet Voldemort in that fated battle. Regardless of the circumstances, the duel between Harry and Voldemort never occurred. Disappearing into the forests of the surrounding hills, Harry crept away from his final duty. His sacrifice was not made, and the students of Hogwarts paid dearly for his cowardice. That was over 5 years ago. The wizarding world has changed greatly since that fateful day. Voldemort remains in power, though he has not been seen publicly in over 3 years. The Ministry of Magic was entirely rebuilt, with "purebloods" taking all seats of any real power. Muggles and those of any tainted sort were taken to camps, where they could be properly educated of their place in the world. The trio of would be heroes were changed as well. Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley were both killed during the second Battle of Hogwarts, as were many other students. Voldemort systematically made sure to scrub the book clean when it came to those that assisted the muggles. In fact, the Weasley family were all but completely killed off, as were any other traitors to the pureblood cause. Harry has not been seen in years as well, though the Ministry seems to believe he is still alive, hiding out somewhere. Hogwarts is still teaching students, albeit with a completely different curriculum. Purebloods are given absolute power over muggles, and muggle wizards are incredibly rare. Wand ownership is only allowed if one can prove their blood is pure, and attendance at Hogwarts is required for most magical children. Voldemort has not broken the secrecy pact with the local British government, though sentiment towards the current ruling Prime Minister is at an all time low. Furthermore, war seems to be on the horizon, as Voldemort sees the British government as a stepping stone to him ruling the world itself. To this day, he continues to stamp out local covens of rebel wizards and witches, executing those that would subvert his power. The other wizarding schools have been either completely absorbed or "shut down" (Slaughtered). You live in this world now. As a pureblood wizard, you are currently in your 7th year of attending Hogwarts. You have always felt off while there however, as you do not share the same hatred for muggles like the other students in your class. Your life will change forever very soon, as you will thrust into another rebellion against you-know-who. Can you step up where Harry failed, and save the wizarding world? [hr] Hi everyone! This is a story and possible RP that I have always been wanting to start. The roleplay would be simple enough, with 4 players joining forces with the resistance to topple the Ministry and attempt to kill Voldemort himself. It will be a lot of fun, with dark and grim edges as well. I've always wanted to see a more dark version of HP, and I believe this will be a fantastic answer to that! Currently looking for interest in the topic itself, and if there is, I will release a CS and the OOC :)