[@dragonmancer] First and foremost, thanks for the interest! :) Now, I'm all about character development (otherwise there wouldn't be much to look forward to, IMO). With magic, especially, we will be starting small. Though I haven't quite decided on how it will be scaled. My original thought was to do a simple 1-3 level upgrade. Level 1 being novice, 2 skilled, and 3 being a master. I'm not 100% settled on this because I feel as though the end-game attacks would be developed too quickly. As far as the physiology upgrades, it's not something I had planned on TBH. Physiology was really just going to be the characters "base" and then that would be built upon through enhancements and magic. I really like the idea though! It would add a little something to look forward to. I'll have to put a little more thought into how it's all going to work, but I can definitely add this spice to the mix! :) I hope this helps a little