[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LVxoGqK.png[/img][/center] Sand gave a slight nod at Trad’s assurances. She did not need to ask about his following comment. It had already become apparent in the short time since she had met the trio that the relationship between their other two teammates was anything but amicable. The stressful part was that as team leader, she would not be entirely surprised if she learned people expected her to somehow find a way to ease that conflict. At least for the time being she could sit back and see if removing Robert from a leadership position had done much of anything to improve Grane’s disposition. Noting that the conversation had fallen into a small lull during her contemplation, Sand looked around, casting about for a new topic of conversation. Her eyes eventually fell over to the door, lazily following the newcomers that drifted into the room. One of the students in particular drew her eye, making all thoughts of conversation flee from her mind. It was a young man with dark hair and severe expression, a familiar face from Atlas Academy. Sand forced herself not to stare as he approached another group of students by bringing her eyes back to the entrance, but the coincidental appearance of a classmate had surprised her. [i]Should I greet him?[/i] That seemed like the proper thing to do, but she found herself hesitating. She knew he belonged to team HJNS – its members had become rather popular amongst the rest of the student body since its formation – but she could not quite recall his name. They must have exchanged greetings at some point, and she vaguely recalled something to that effect, but when it came down to it, she had had very little actual contact with the man. [i]I know he’s the ‘J’ but what did his teammates call him? Jer… Jeremy? Jerry? No, that’s horribly wrong.[/i] Sand frowned, vaguely irritated by the turn her thoughts had taken. [i]Doesn’t matter. We’re barely acquaintances as it is. Why bother when he might not recognize me in the first place?[/i] Luckily for her, the next person to walk through the door drew enough of her attention to prevent her from dwelling on her lack of courtesy. The booming, jovial voice of what could only be their PE professor – the possibility that it was anything else was too bizarre to contemplate – brought her out of her previous reverie and right into a new one as the man marched in in all his prodigious humanity, announcing it was time to play ball. “That’s a lot of meat in motion.” The comment was followed by a self-conscious cough as she realized she had given voice to her thoughts. At least the conversation between some of the nearby students told her she was not the only one taken aback by this man’s exuberance. At that point, it almost felt natural when the last arrival to the classroom clumsily slipped on his face before yelling out an apology for his tardiness. “Huh.” Sand blinked, speaking in a low voice. “Guess that’s the tone for this class now.”