[hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=8FA4CA]Isaura[/color] and [color=seagreen]Theodore[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://imgur.com/gEQ4sVL.gif[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/ymHizXh.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b]The Lighthouse; Atlantic Ocean. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other.[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] Unable to stand it anymore, Theodore reached out for Juliette, gently extracting her from the man’s shirt, whether he let him or not, immediately pressing her to his own chest and hugging her tightly, shifting so he could slip her into his own shirt, stroking her hair. [color=seagreen]”I love you, Julie… I have you”[/color] he said softly, retreating now that he had one of the two most dear people to him, trotting back to Isuara’s side, hugging his sister to him all the way, before sitting down besides Isuara, and wrapping his arms around her, as well, happy to have them both right where they belonged. [color=seagreen]”We’re okay… “[/color] His words barely registered in her mind; all she could think about was the fact that he had her… he had Juliette, and she was safe; she was alive- she could see clear as day the gentle rise and fall of the child’s chest with each breath the young girl brought into and expelled from her lungs. The mere sight had the strain on her own heart easing slightly as a soft sigh of relief fell out through her lips. [color=8FA4CA]“..s-she’s okay… she’s o-... okay…”[/color] Muttering, though mostly to herself, Isaura reached out a shaky hand as he sat down at her side, her touch light… full of love and worry as she ran her fingertips gently over the child’s cheek, her dark eyes filling with concern, [color=8FA4CA]“..s-she’s freezing… we need-... we need to warm her up… quickly…”[/color] Despite the fact that he had both of them within reach, Theodore still felt helpless. There wasn’t anything that he could do to warm any of them up- no firewood… nothing. Any clothes they had would be wet, and he wasn’t much warmer himself, but he just had to hope that his body heat would be enough to keep her warm, until they could find someway of warming themselves. [color=seagreen]”I know… but I don’t know how… everything is wet, and you’re just as cold as she is”[/color] He said softly, reaching out to take her in his arms too, being careful of Juliette. To have them both so close, and still know that it was possible to lose them in the next few hours was too much. [color=seagreen]”We will figure it out, as long as we are together”[/color] Her heart broke at his words. She was so cold… her body was shaking against his, and she was still having trouble feeling anything but the ice-cold touch of the sea anywhere in her legs; and yet... even after everything, he was still so worried about her. [color=8FA4CA]“..if it comes to it; Theo… you need to forget about me… and you need to do everything to make sure that Julie is safe…”[/color] Her gaze tearing away from the girl held close against the both of them, Isaura lifted her head, her blue-tinged lips parting ever so slightly from one another as she met with his eyes,[color=8FA4CA] “..she-... she’s just a child… your sister… you need her more than you n-need me…”[/color] [color=seagreen]”Isuara! It won’t come to that! I’m not losing either of you!”[/color] Theodore said, his words rushed. He couldn’t believe she’d suggest that… it would never be something he could do… he wouldn’t lose either of them. Somehow, he’d find a way. [color=seagreen]”We both need you, Izzy… so very much. We probably would have been screwed without you this last year, so don’t ever say we don’t need you, please? Because we do”[/color] he said softly, [color=seagreen]”We’ll find a way, I promise. We’ll survive, all of us”[/color] Would that be the same for all of them, who had found their way here? Suddenly the prospect of it just beeing the three of them was daunting, and he had to hope that everyone pulled through. [color=seagreen]”When we’ve warmed a bit together, I’ll see if I can find anything for a fire”[/color] He couldn’t promise that… he couldn’t know that all three of them would get through this in one piece; but she knew arguing with him about it would only lead to their hearts breaking more than they already had… Closing her eyes, Isaura dropped her head, her own breathing quick… shallow as she let it come to a rest over his shoulder, burying down into the nape of his neck. He wasn’t willing to let either of them go… he was so strong, especially when they both knew she couldn’t be; it was one of the many things she loved about him. How he could be so confident in a situation like this… when everything seemed so bleak… [color=8FA4CA]“..I love you…”[/color] Theodore hugged her closer, shifting so Julie was between them- trying to give her as much warmth as possible, while also making sure that Isuara was okay. There had to be a way… [color=seagreen]”I love you too”[/color] He said, making his voice as strong as he could, although it was still rather raw, [color=seagreen]”As long as we stay awake, we will be okay… “[/color] He said, not sure why going to sleep was a bad idea, just knowing that it was. He cast his gaze about them, looking for any option, but asides from the lighthouse, nothing seemed like it would provide any warmth. He turned his gaze back to Isuara and Juliette, checking on Julie to make sure she was still alright. [color=8FA4CA]“..my-... my eyelids are so heavy…”[/color] [color=seagreen]”I know… “[/color] how were they going to stay awake until they found warmth? [color=seagreen]”Just… lets just keep talking”[/color] It was really all they could do, until everyone else was ready to seek out potential warmth. [color=8FA4CA]“..a-about what..?”[/color] Theodore thought a moment, [color=seagreen]”How about what we are going to do when we get home?”[/color] What they were going to do..? Forcing her eyes to open, even just a little, Isaura tilted her head slightly, her gaze lifting to try and meet with his own as his words played over in her mind, lingering and causing her mind to focus on that rather than the current situation which fell to the back of her train of thought, [color=8FA4CA]“..what-... what are we going to do..?”[/color] Thoughtful a moment, Theodore tried to think how to put everything in words… there was so much, and yet…. There was one thing he knew for certain. He didn’t want to ever lose either of them. [color=seagreen]”Well, spend our lives together”[/color] That seemed so simple, and yet, there was just about a whole world in there.