Joseph looked up as the alarm went off, doing it just at the right moment to get a torrent of water directly in his eyes. "Hmm, well that's not good." Well, he still had an almost full bottle of absinthe to look forward to. He'd only really taken a few swigs, so he'd get a good few hours of alcohol from it. He looked back down to said bottle. There was about an eighth of the alcoholic liquid left. "Also not good." He said, as the world tilted around him. "Welp, I suppose I should probably get out of here before the fire gets me." Putting the cap back on the bottle, he got up and stumbled, lurched, and span through the crowd, making it to the outside surprisingly quickly. Looking down at the bottle again, he sighed. "I suppose I should find a nice, cardboard box to finish this in..." However, before he could wander off into the night, he saw the girl who'd bought him the drink in the first place. It looked like she wasn't exactly thriving in the cold, especially now that she had been drenched in water. Honestly, maybe it was because of what was apparently a [i]ridiculous[/i] amount of alcohol, but he didn't even seem that nervous about approaching her. "Hey snow girl, it looks like you aren't handling the cold too well." He said, before taking off his jacket and chucking it to her. "So, I don't know if you'll actually want it, but here. It should keep you warm, despite how torn up it looks..." As he stood around, he began to feel a little nervous once more. "So... We're standing out here... Just... Standing..." He kicked a can in the ground, before lifting his bottle up to the moonlight. "Is there a... [i]reason...[/i] we're standing here?"