[@Odin] I understand your sentiment, but some of the things you said were either addressed when EH was released or aren't factually accurate. To reiterate what Mahz said when EH was released, the reason it is at the top of the main page is because it was new and he cited some precedence for such. That is no longer the case, so it can be moved elsewhere on the main page. There is more than one active thread and a new person seems to submit a new character (~125 submissions over ~180 days) at least every other day or so, although pointing that out isn't by any means saying EH is successful. It just indicates that people are interested, but for some reason don't jump in and participate after their character is approved. There were actually a relatively high starting number of players who expressed interest, submitted characters, and even posted. Were that not the case, I doubt Mahz would have created the space for them to play. All that said, it doesn't change the situation. We have a subforum with very little oversight that isn't doing as well as it should be, so our options are: * continue to let it languish * remove it and make everyone who contributed to it in the past upset that their content is gone * try to make it better.