1) Yes, he COULD dodge her attacks. I doubt he would, though. He gets hit with attacks all of the time, even magical ones. Personality wise, I doubt he would dodge her attack simply because he's overconfident and likes to give his opponents as many chances as he can. Also, he doesn't kill his opponents and tries to not damage the environment. She doesn't care either way. 2) Yes, they are biased, but I was using logic. His personality wouldn't allow him to just max out and vaporize her like he could. He's also so overconfident that he'd only dodge attacks he know could hurt him, which he wouldn't know. 3) I would argue that Superman was broken, as you have to cheat to beat him. Even by your argument, he can just dodge anything that could hurt him. That's why the writers have to write him at way below his level or use Kryptonite or red sunlight for him to lose a fight. And even then he won't die from it. Lina isn't useless without her OP attacks, just far less useful. Lina is a glass cannon.