Designation: David Reynold Location: Sammie's 2257-35ul Time: 21:30:00 Tattersail's inner dialog was interrupted as PI Reynold tapped him on the shoulder, [color=khaki]"Have a minute?"[/color] At first glance, Tattersail seemed like a maniac to Reynold. He wore weird exaggerated accessories, and appeared to be talking randomly to himself; but as Reynold approached the medtech, he was surprised by how sane and helpful the man actually was. [color=khaki]"Mavis, get this man a beer,"[/color] the detective said, settling beside Tattersail at the bar as he extracted his pen and notepad. [color=khaki] "I'm David Reynolds, a PI. Don't mind me, just find it more secure to record things in black and white than in... data form."[/color] He was about to start his questions, but a newcomer diverted his attention - an expensive-looking PlayBeing with silver hair and violet eyes. [color=yellow][i]She appears to be alone and... free. What is she doing here? Where is her owner?[/i][/color] The PI was curious and decided to ask 'sail. [color=khaki]"See that PlayBeing over there? What do you think she is doing here?"[/color] [@Tenslashsix]