[@Dusty]: I have a few concerns about the powers and weaknesses of your character. About changing history- manipulating the actual course of time/space is a big no-no, though I think you might not have meant that. Perhaps this power is able to suggest changes to the person’s memories of how things happened (kinda like the Mandela effect?) but after a certain period of time, say a few days to a week, they realize that their memories were false and maybe it causes confusion in the aftermath. About erasing memories- I feel that this is a bit overboard given his power of suggestion- he could simply just convince them it didn't happen, and under the same effect of the last one, it wears off after some time. For clarification- to what extent do his powers work? Is he able to exact them on analytical minds as well as creative minds? (Very important in real-life hypnosis!) Is there a specific environment that fosters a better connection, like a dark, quiet room or maybe a distraction filled busy street? How far away can he be before his powers are too far out of reach? Additionally, what is his associated weakness? What I found was [i]“Unfortunately to do so Brundy must be looking the other person or creature in the eye, and verbally impressing the command upon those he’s hypnotizing. Should he, or his victim be wearing, say glasses or contacts the suggestion may be hazy, incomplete or ineffective altogether.”[/i] which sounds more like a shortcoming to the extent of his power than a weakness. Also, in what way does his power work on animals? And lastly how does one [i]break free from his influence[/i]?