[h2] [centre] [color=f6989d]Marinalia (Romus) Olympus[/color] [/centre] [/h2] [h3] [centre] & [/centre] [/h3] [h2] [centre] [color=6ecff6]Victoria [i]Darya[/i] Romus[/color][/centre] [/h2] [color=c4df9b][h3] [centre] Swan Songs . Monday Evening [/centre] [/h3] [/color] [hr] Marinalia looked up at the man managing to be abit sick before noticing he was there to help abd mentioned her sister? Damn she would sure owe Victoria quite alot after this evening. The aftereffects of whatever she had been given where pretty potant plus the smell of vomit. Gah she must of looked a right mess. [i][color=f6989d] Vika?. Mali. Romus, Olympus. Jabba had some drug in cup... Puked it up. [/color][/i] Gesturing to Ren also injuried on ground from Sasha attack and a somewhat bruise on her own arm from the grab, they must of looked a right pair. Cold water had one effect that helped quickly bring her mind back to a less befuddled and Suprised state. She had lost her coat but managed to keep her bag, dress soaked through by now, Gah, it was gonna be ruined at this rate. [i][color=f6989d] my friend. Help me get him out. Victoria sister. Got truck out back. Owe you after this. [/color][/i] Gesturing to bag she rummaged to check it was there finding it with a releaved sigh. [hr] Victoria shivered outside, most people would go pale in the cold but that was not exactly possible until she saw the scruffy but seemingly kind person approach her. Shaking as the stranger threw the jacked over her shoulders covering the exposed back even though her skin still stung from intense cold. She did not like cold anyway. Tommorow was gonna be duvet day for sure. Voice trembling slightly from the temperature. [i][color=6ecff6] thanks... Waiting. Sister has keys for the truck. Was on stage. Cab be hard to get... Standing. Not abandoning Mali. [/color][/i] Ending slightly abruptly she looked round as the person swigged down some of the heavy duty alcohol. Least ing more heavily on the walking stick and sighing as water still dripped off her ghostly pale skin. [i][color=6ecff6] il manage somehow... [/color][/i] [hr] Looking over she saw the taller woman in the fedora coming out bedraggled and soaked from the sprinklers much as everyone else, hair and outfits ruined, everyone was cold. If she was less cold and less worried this might be a funny bonding momment. Looking over the woman and slightly shouting over. She had to find Marilania to get out of here. Victoria could see the perfect posee pushing there way out of the place towards a awaiting helicopter that was starting up. Security on the road where beginning to lose control of the situation, the drama was getting over dramatic. [i][color=6ecff6] did you see my sister. Stage.? [/color][/i] [hr] Lastly she saw a man in a bike jacket. She was sure her sister mentioned that guy when they met. He seemed to be watching the event from a afar. What was he up too or just gawping at things like the rest of the people gathering.? [hr] [@King Tai][@Rabidporcupine][@RoccanIronclad][@Robo27][@aladdin_sane][@Furiosa] Everyone sections are now line separated. It might make more sense.