[quote=@PrinceAlexus] No worries. I managed to post round you make my charecter seem like a overly attached puppy lol. I'm making no apology! Making me wait would of been like a week lol. I just have had a empty weekend. Alot of time to write and been stressed by my family. So hey. This helps me chill :) [/quote] I know I don't really have to apologize, but I kind of want to anyways ;) Also, I'm so intimidated by your character [@RoccanIronclad] and I don't know why, lol! He seems so buff and determined, ha ha. And I died reading Josephs sassy comeback, [@Rabidporcupine]! I've always wanted to write sassy characters, but never get it any good, so it makes me so happy to see it done right.