Once the beasts halted in both skirmish and vivacity, the music of the murky spheres of darkness seemed to be dispelled by Jill. With it gone, Koan’s once offered golden heart was simply intercepted, masticated and cast back into the fiery depths of the final Cerberus’ permeable exsanguination. Like a freshly consumed apple, now demonstrating its rotten core, full of cancerous amygdalin, she bobbled in the abyss as her red orbs glared at the novel duo. The anti-heroine quietly pouted, striving to brew a cure to this newly discovered malignancy which so quickly metastasized as a sweet death to her lust for this fallen Andras, now plucked of his wings, his wolf, his weapon, and, now, his very woman. [color=ed1c24]“Sauron? But I thought…”[/color] A vain war won and lost, as discord churned and spurned further a seething melancholy, while witnessing the shadowy Paris eventually selecting their beguiling Captain, the apparent Aphrodite of the crew. Her hair chose and breathed luminosity with her almost unparalleled charismatic beauty, angelically outshining the corporeal wealth of the surrounding tigress Hera and mystic Athena, and the obviously dejected Eris, subduing the silvery buffoon’s strife with an unheard song. [color=ed1c24]“…we were…”[/color] The jester slowly tailed, from a deafening distance, the rich and delicate hands the partnered celestials shared. The sight birthed a tremendous lethargy her soul would have to encumber as silent thunder impregnated her mind with a millennia of screaming ululations, whispering and sowing sorrow onto the face of the grey geisha. This, a nebulous emotion never truly festered by the prankster, for more than a brief instance, weakened her chin as her hood floated over her wet eyes. It soon wrapped her weeping body with its blinding world, delivering a hushed pity and muted lamentations, heard only by those sensitive and inquisitive to a sad clown’s sins and aborted hopes. [color=ed1c24]“…a team.”[/color] [@The Grey Dust][@JBRam2002]