[@SleepingSilence] I don't know what it is about me, but I just seem to need a higher tempo most of the time. There are songs that I like that are slower like this one, but they're very few and far between and I don't actually know what makes them different. Everything else just tends to remind me of the slower songs that I do like, which usually just gets me wanting to listen to the stuff that I already like. For example, this one makes me think of [i]American Pie[/i] by Don McLean, but for some reason I like American Pie better. The singing is still good, the music is still pleasing and catchy, but it just feels like I've heard it before. And I know I'm not judging it unfairly because of the lyrics or anything because if you took Lamb of God's [i]King Me[/i] and slowed it to this tempo, making it an acoustic cover, thematically it would be pretty similar, with ideas of overcoming personal struggle, except focusing on personal demons as opposed to a rough year like this song does. I don't know, I'd say 6/10 because it's a good song, but I feel like I could find five more songs by five other bands that are basically the same, right down to the pianos and guitars, just with slightly different chords. It feels like the kind of song I'd hear at the end of an episode of Scrubs. Anyway, here's a dramatic change of pace. I found these guys about a month ago and I can't stop listening to them, I have no idea why. [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/DigtCrO77L8[/youtube][/center]