The General rapped his exoframe's sharp fingers against his table, taking in the story of this traveller one more time. ACASIAS could confirm: The story had remained the same for the entirety of the time. It was almost too rigid, he thought, with so few details changing between tellings. Like he had memorised it from somewhere. Yet it could well be he had indeed thought what he was going to say to people in his time in the escape pod, drifting through space with no destination in mind. He could not form a solid stance yet. It was for the best for him to conclude the interview and see what this man knew in the first place. Before he got to asking his question, the door suddenly opened. One of the two guards stepped in front of the approaching person, but simply nodded and let her pass when they realised who it was. Captain Vropda had been given a few more liberties when it came to the General and the thing he influenced than strictly necessary, but then again she was his sister. It would not be the first time siblings of ranks close enough to one another would both simply use the might of the higher station. Creft had still been piecing together his next question when the new arrival spoke up and asked what it was that the criminals that had held the man hostage were actually harvesting from the planets. That was an excellent question and perhaps more crucial than the newcomer had any way of knowing. After all, it just might mean the Fleet would be interested in heading there before all the material was gone. Raiding the stockpiles and settling in to gather the rest. "She would be who I mentioned would arrive soon", the General introduced Vropda to the newcomer, "but as I am General, call her Captain. And please, answer her question while you are at it." [@scifidude47][@Gordian Nought]