[hr][hr][center][color=SlateGray][h1][b]F E N R I R[/b][/h1][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=Slategray][B]| NAME |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]Magnus Boyle[/INDENT][/color] [color=Slategray][B]| ALIAS |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]Fenrir[/INDENT][/color] [color=Slategray][B]| AGE |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]Nineteen[/INDENT][/color] [color=SlateGray][B]| MENTOR |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]Hawkwoman[/INDENT][/color] [color=SlateGray][B]| APPEARANCE |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT][i][b]As a Man:[/b][/i]Magnus Boyle strikes an opposing figure, standing at a respectable height of 6’1”, with broad, muscular shoulders that taper towards a lean, narrow waist. His limbs are long, though he doesn’t seem to have the ganglieness that often plagues tall people, instead moving with a smooth, unconscious grace. Nor is he unduly bulky, possessing a wiry, muscular leanness that one would associate with a wild alpha predator, not a shred of fat to be found on him. It doesn’t take a trained eye to recognise the explosive physical power restrained in his frame. A mop of charcoal dark curls frames his features, wild enough to deny even the most vigorous brushing. Heavy brows sit atop intense, storm-grey eyes. His strong jaw is coloured with stubble, far more than on the average nineteen-year old’s. Most observers would note that there is something slightly ‘off’ about his face. While his strong bone structure seems conventionally attractive, there is a savagery about the lines of his face that makes him appear threatening, or even cruel in some lights. When he smiles - which is rarely – his teeth seem a touch too long and sharp to be considered wholly normal. [i][b]As the Beast:[/b][/i]When he becomes the Beast Fenrir’s body contorts in a horrifically painful transformation that leaves him more powerful in almost every physical way. His frame expands until he tops 7’ (though a propensity to hunch leaves him appearing to be just over 6’10”). His head becomes larger and lupine-like, while his mouth elongates into massive canine jaws that end in rows of razor sharp teeth. His shoulders, already muscular, become even heavier, while his arms lengthen to the point that he can comfortably run on all fours. His legs twist and elongate until they become digitigrade, while all his fingers and toes develop long, tough talons, which are capable of shredding through armour plating. Wiry black hair sprouts all over his form, though it comes thickest upon his face, head, shoulders, arms, chest, and groin. Finally, his long bushy tail bursts from his lower back. [i][b]The costume:[/b][/i] Fenrir’s costume consists of a sleeveless charcoal grey bodysuit, fist wraps, and a helmet. The bodysuit’s material is made from an experimental fabric developed by Kord Industries, which can stretch to an incredible degree while still retaining its base integrity. The bodysuit’s chest area darkens to black, being reinforced by a light kevlar-nomex weave that provides a degree of protection. The centre of the chest features an embossed silver wolfs-head, this serving as Fenrir’s insignia. The helmet is also crafted to resemble a snarling wolfs-head, designed by Shayera Hol to terrify her student’s foes. While it only covers his upper face and head, while leaving his jaw clear, he still finds It incredibly uncomfortable to wear, though has come to bear it thanks to the protection it supplies. The costume doesn’t feature shoes, as Magnus finds them even more constricting and cumbersome than the helmet. [/INDENT][/color] [color=SlateGray][B]| BIO |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]Nineteen years ago, on a chill September afternoon, Charles and Wyanet Boyle were gifted with their first child, a boy. They named him Magnus, after Charles’ grandfather. Magnus was a strong and lusty baby, a Boyle family trait claimed Charles – though he himself was both sicky and scrawny. What couldn’t be explained away as a family quirk was the inch-long canines that their son developed after only two months, or the predatory intensity to his gaze that seemed so foreign on the face of a child. Despite these peculiarities the Boyle’s endeavoured to love their son, as good parents should, but as he grew older it became more and more apparent that Magnus was no normal boy. He was walking by the time he was four months old, and running confidently at nine months, and yet he was over three years old before he uttered his first word, and even after that he barely spoke, instead using a combination of grunts, growls, yips and glares to communicate. He couldn’t be left alone with children his own age, as he was aggressive and socially dominant. All the doctors that the Boyles could afford were stumped in regards as to what was afflicting the boy, and the family found themselves ostracised in their small community thanks to their strange son. Charles and Wyanet began to believe that was going to be their lives from then on, dealing with the hardship of having a clearly impaired child, struck by an affliction that no one could explain or assist with when their deliverance came in the form of doctor Anne Sexton. The doctor contacted them, claiming to be a renowned child behavioural expert and claimed she had heard of their plight, and wished to help them. After doing some background checks of their own, which all served to corroborate Sexton’s story, the family agreed to allow the doctor into their lives, in hope that it would help Magnus. For several weeks tests were run, the doctor spending nearly every waking moment poking and prodding at Magnus, all under the watchful eyes of his parents. Charles and Wyanet could never be sure what she was actually testing him for, but they lived in hope that it would all lead to Magnus getting the help that he so clearly needed. Their hopes turned to horror however, when they woke up one morning to find Magnus missing, and the good doctor gone. The Boyle’s went straight to the police, but when they tried to file a missing person’s report they were shocked to find that there was no history of them ever having a child. No birth certificate, no medical history, not even any pictures of him on their online social profiles. Their family, friends and neighbours all supported them, and they had plenty printed pictures of their son, but as far as the virtual world was concerned, there was no Magnus Boyle. Confronted with this setback is it any surprise that the authorities failed to find either Magnus or Doctor Sexton, whose own online presence turned out to be completely fabricated. The Boyle’s never stopped looking for their son, but years have passed, and with no real headway made into the investigation, they have all but given up hope of finding their son. Like it or not, Magnus was gone. Or at least, he was. Unbeknownst to his parents, Magnus reappeared years later just outside of New Orleans, where he assisted Hawkwoman in battle against one of her old enemies, St Roch. Magnus impressed Shayera, who offered the feral teen a place to stay, if he allowed her to train him. He had a lot of potential, she said, but if he didn’t learn to temper his emotions, he would end up wasting his gifts. Magnus agreed, and so began his heroic career as Hawkwoman’s partner, Fenrir. The two worked together well, and when talk of a new team of young heroes was bandied around, Shayera was quick to volunteer Magnus.[/INDENT][/color] [color=SlateGray][B]| ABILITIES / SKILLS / EQUIPMENT |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT][i][b]As a Man:[/b][/i]Magnus is [color=SlateGray][b]physically superior[/b][/color] to any baseline human. S [i][b]As the Beast:[/b][/i][/INDENT][/color] [color=SlateGray][B]| LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT][i][b]As a Man:[/b][/i]Perhaps Magnus’ most damaging weakness, though probably not his most obvious one, is his [color=SlateGray][b]arrogance[/b][/color] concerning his own physical capabilities. While he’s willing to admits that there are individuals who are stronger, tougher or faster than he is out there, he finds it far more difficult to accept that, even with all those advantages, there are any who could beat him in a straight confrontation. Part of this is due to the [color=Slategray][b]alpha male mentality[/b][/color] that colours his personality, his belief that he should be at the top of any social hierarchy due to his physical superiority to those around him, though the greater part is due to the fact that he has [b]yet[/b] to be beaten. He’s still got the confidence of an unbeaten champion, but who’s to say what might happen to that confidence when he is faced with the prospect of an out and out defeat. On top of this, he [color=slategray][b]isn’t a well-rounded combatant[/b][/color]. All his training thus far has focused on allowing him to use his increased strength, speed, and ferocity to overwhelm his opponents physically, and beat them into submission. While this works on many untrained or unexperienced foes, he has [color=slategray][b]little-to-no defensive skills[/b][/color] to fall back on if his full-frontal assault fails, other than his increased durability and survivability, and then it just becomes a case of weathering his opponents storm, a method which is far from infallible. To make matters worse, he disdains [color=slategray][b]tactical expertise[/b][/color]. While he’s more than capable of formulating a plan, a good one even, he instead chooses not to. He much prefers the simplicity of [i]beating[/i] a foe mano a mano, rather than getting their better through cleverness or double-thinking. [i][b]As the Beast:[/b][/i] The Beast shares many of the Man’s shortcomings, though most of them are exacerbated in the extreme. Unique shortcomings for the Beast are a [color=slategray][b]lack of fine motor control[/b][/color] and an [color=slategray][b]inability to process complex tasks[/b][/color]. Simply put, this means he wont be doing anything like driving a car or typing at a keyboard while in wolf-form. Perhaps the Beast's most dangerous trait is his [color=slategray][b]difficulties with impulse control.[/b][/color] The Beast does everything on instinct, which means no double guessing or moralising. If he is hungry, he eats; if he is tired, he sleeps; if he encounters an enemy, he kills it. Straightforward, but problematic in it's own way. [/INDENT][/color] [color=SlateGray][b]| NOTES |[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][indent][list][*]You all probably know what actually happened to Magnus during the ‘missing’ years, but I’m leaving it blank anyway. The story will get revealed along the way, as the rest of kids discover what actually happened to him.[/list][/indent][/color]