[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/coollogo_com-2097171_zpsaq2ecgmy.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Ross Barber[/b] | [b]Kyra Muller[/b] | [b]Joel Vaughan[/b][/center] The S.W.A.T. team finally exited the Bed, Bath, and Beyond, dragging out both the young metahuman boy and the men who thought it was a bright idea to bring automatic weapons to an appliance store. Kyra, on the other hand, had already been taken to the EMTs, even though she had not sustained any major injuries during the firefight. Only her ears were ringing form the flashbangs that the S.W.A.T. used to breach into the Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Nevertheless, the EMTs still went through their usual routine, checking to make sure the superheroine was alright. “You’re as healthy as a horse, Firerfox.” One of the EMTs told her after they had performed all of their tests. “Just try to stay away from loud sounds for a day or so.” Once she was cleared, Kyra stood up from her seat on the back of the EMTs’ ambulance, being mindful of not allowing her nine large, foxlike tails to smack either the EMTs while she walked away to join the two other Immortals present at the scene of the crime. “Thank God that did not turn into a blood bath,” Kyra sighed in relief since that ordeal was over. “There was one casualty,” Talus alerted his teammate, who stood there in shock at the thought that someone could have died under her watch. “When? Didn’t all the hostages make it out safely? There was a lot of gun fire inside, but I don’t remember anyone getting shot. And [i]I[/i] surely didn’t cause anyone to die!” “One of the robbers was found dead with several gunshot wounds to the torso.” “Could it not have bene friendly fire?” Kyra asked her teammate. “Possibly,” Talus admitted while pondering the situation. “However, there was a kid found inside waving a gun at the S.W.A.T. team when they breached.” “A kid?” As Kyra thought about it, she realized that she never got a good glimpse at whoever the robbers had been unleashing their firepower on. Considering that this individual turned out to be just a mere child, it was fortunate that she had accidentally teleported herself here during the fight against Lightwave. Meanwhile, the S.W.A.T. was convoying everyone whom they had detained inside the Bed, Bath, and Beyond, both the robbers and the young boy. They had already cuffed everyone and were now loading them into vehicles so that they could transport them for processing through the criminal system. However, they separated the young metahuman boy from the rest of the criminals, since anyone could have told that the boy did not fit in with the rest. “We have to do something.” Kyra told the other two Immortals. “Like what? We can’t just go over there and drag the kid away.” Talus argued, although he paused for a moment. “Okay, we [i]technically[/i] could go over there and drag the kid away, but we can’t be antagonizing the police.” “I’m sure that superhero organization that was in the news could find a pro bono lawyer to get the kid into juvenile court and only get a slap on the wrist.” Gajana finally interjected himself into the conversation. “Good idea! Why didn’t I come up with that?” Talus said. At once, he used his bio-mechanical supercomputer that was his body to contact the United Heroes Organization. Although the UHO did not have any legal retainers on staff, they did provide a number for Talus to call to arrange a local firm to help out. Talus finally was able to reach that law firm and, with Kyra’s help, reported the situation to them. The operator promised that they would be on their way to wherever the kid was being taken and that they would make sure the boy would not be railroaded. “Well, now we can only wait,” Talus mentioned after he ended his call to the UHO. “I really hope that kid will be alright,” Kyra wished as they watched the police and the S.W.A.T. drive away.