[centre][b][h1][color=ec008c]Myra[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/161a52629edf95c7ccd9038af65d29ba/tumblr_nf9l0nPBVK1sn3r6po7_250.gif[/img] [b]interacting with[/b] NPCs [b]Location[/b]Callie Lenson’s Inn[/centre] [hr][hr] Myra stared out the window for a few moments, utterly frustrated. Why did children have to be so… utterly unreasonable? Did they seriously expect her to know everything, off the top of her head? Magically? Everyone else around her might be Supernatural, but she was just plain old vanilla human. Kick ass plain old vanilla human, but still human. She couldn’t pull information out of thin air- it took her ten minutes just to deal with setting her own damn alarm when she got a new phone. And James expected her to pull up information at the snap of a finger? Where Sombra got her talent with computers, Myra would never know. What the hell was she meant to do? Trace the girls phone? Not only was it illegal, Myra couldn’t do it from where she was, and she certainly wasn’t going to ask someone at the station to do it. Fucking Hell! She’d done a shitload just to make sure no one would look too closely at the attack! How was she illegally meant to keep track of the kids, when Zoé could do that easily enough? What the hell did he expect of her?! Her hands curled into fists, anger burning through every cell of her body, it seemed, or at least to her. She almost wanted to go hunt him down and punch him again- there was something about the fact that she could just keep on hitting him and knowing that he would heal that was oddly satisfying. She knew that that would get her no where, however and she sighed bitterly to herself. She didn’t even have Arlo there. Right then, it seemed like the pup was the only one who wasn’t angry at her. She turned away from the window, sitting down on the bed, she took out her phone, glaring at the thing as if daring it to play up and make things harder than they had to be. The little worm wanted her to do something, to help out “Family”, then she’d bloody well do it to shove it up his ass, despite the fact it would take her three times as long, if not more, to do it. The little shit thought he was better then her, well if he cared about his sister so much, he’d fucking well call her himself- grow some damn balls and face his baby sister, or go to the damn hospital himself. So quick to judge about her, but what the hell was he doing? He talked about “helping family” but what the hell had he done the last five years but make his, and her own family, suffer and wonder where they were, for five fucking years? Disappearing off the face of the earth, no trace, no sign, just running the first chance they got, running away, not given them any sign they were alive, over the five years, he didn’t seem to care about family then! “Thought we were doing the right thing!” Bullshit! Letting them know that they were alive, that would have been the right thing, and Myra wouldn’t have had to worry every single day that her daughter was dead somewhere, unclaimed, a “Jane Doe”. Wouldn’t have had to worry that her baby girl was hurt, or in trouble somewhere, for five years… he could talk big about being helpful to family, but what had he done, these last five years, but hurt family? She dropped her head into her hands, one hand holding the phone. She missed her. She missed her baby girl, and to have her be so close, yet still so far away… it was a constant ache in her heart, and to be reminded of everything she’d missed… everything she would miss by that… by that fucking worm… it was too much. Tears she hadn’t wanted to fall fell unbidden, stinging her eyes, even as she tried to stifle the sobs that wanted to come out, pushing them back, trying to get control of herself once more. She didn’t want to lose Sombra again, but knew that one way or another, she would. Sombra had a life, and it was quite clear that Myra wasn’t going to have a say in whether or not she’d have a part in it. That was up to Sombra, and Sombra had always had a mind of her own, a strong will that rivaled even hers. She wanted Sombra to stay more than life itself, wanted to be apart of her life, of her grandchild’s life… more than anything in the world. She wondered briefly, fleetingly if maybe Sombra would consider naming the child after Damien, if it was a boy. The thought of her lost brother caused her to sigh, even as she wiped her eyes. He’d just disappeared into the wind, and nothing had found him. She was supposed to be the oldest, be the responsible one, and make sure her siblings were both okay, and what happened? Zoé got attacked by a werewolf, turned, and Damien went missing. She seemed doomed to be good at protecting others, and poor at protecting her family. And even the protecting others wasn’t that great, letting a whole group of kids be attacked right under her nose… She wiped any evidence of the tears away, not fussed about her jacket, looking to her phone once more, before she dialed the familiar number for the station. As one of her staff answered, Myra said [color=plum]”Pull up information on the Burke Girl”[/color] She made her tone as no nonsense as she could, “Ping her phone, find out where it was last used, or as close to it as possible. She might have something she can tell us. If anyone says anything, tell them I’ve ordered it” She could damn well lose her job over this, so the little shit better be happy about it. And if he wasn’t, well, fuck him. -As she waited for the information, confirming that yes, his sister was a better person then he’d ever be, and was at the hospital with, she assumed, her injured friends, she ended the call. She threw her phone on the bed, dropping her head into her hands once more.