[hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=lavender]Karena[/color] and [color=firebrick]Selena[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oNs1rT5.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/nHr8o5J.gif[/img] [b]Location[/b] Gym [sup][b]Interacting with:[/b] Each other[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] Selena wasn’t sure at all what to make of this hunter… she was bold and sure of herself, but then, most hunters were. Yet she seemed… kind in her own way, and understanding. It threw her off balance- most hunters when they found out what she was generally tried to kill her or distrusted her too much to even give her a little bit of help. Karena seemed different.., Oh, Selena was sure that Karena didn’t trust her as far as she could throw her, the feeling was mutual, but at least she was tolerating her. That was more then she got from most people. [color=firebrick]”Well. I understand that the Alpha is busy, and I don’t want to disturb her, yet. But I clearly have to speak with her, and will do so tonight. I’d rather she not be warned about me- Just so she doesn’t think I’ve been going about things behind her back. I can also understand that you wish to keep an eye on me. I would, if I were you”[/color] Selena said with mild amusement, [color=firebrick]”So, I’ll just hang around the gym a bit then, shall I? If you see a white cat with bi-colour eyes, she’s mine. She always manages to find me, no matter where I go”[/color] Selena said, as she showed herself out the office, a little glad to be away from there. Bemused, Karena listened to the young woman, and watched her go. Not much older than her girls, and yet, this girl had all the confidence of them and more, yet it was wrapped around a shattered frame. Shifting, Karena pulled herself closer to her desk, opening her computer once more, she began to type. It was time she took a closer look at dear ol’ Abe, and his wayward adopted daughter. There was more to the girl then meets the eye. Selena stepped out into the gym, walking down the stairs and towards some of the gym equipment. She smiled to herself, and began to work out on some of the machines. It was always amusing to see the humans impressed by how much she could lift. She never over did it- no point making them think she was a monster. If only they knew. She let her thoughts wonder. There was so much going on… and so much she needed to do. But only a few things she wanted. And one of them was to stay as far away from the girl as possible. Even if she knew that it would backfire in the end. She just wouldn’t go to the hospital. Surely the alpha wouldn’t go there, wouldn’t be there all day? Selena sighed, resigning herself to her fate. Maybe the girl wouldn’t want anything romantic or such… maybe they’d just be friends, and then Selena could kind of be free. Yeah, right. She’d always be lured back to the girl, and never have any other pursuits. That was the way of imprinting.