[quote=@Not Fishing] [/quote] Not at all, thanks for showing interest! I think @Brocktree summed it up fairly well, but what it basically boils down to is that this is a regiment of [i]cavalry[/i], so the officer-to-enlisted ratio is a lot lower than what you'd find in a typical infantry regiment. This is because the need to directly coordinate the men under a cavalry officer's command is much higher than that of a line infantry officer's -- relating back to their respective combat roles and the military tactics at the time. Line infantry simply don't need as much coordination as cavalry. I based the organization of the army off of Napoleonic era armies (French & Prussian mostly), as well as the composition of the Imperial army in the Komnenian restoration. Of course, I changed some things around as I saw fit to better match the RP and make things less complex!