Being a healer and lover of nature; and all that it offered. Yavanna had taken an interest learning about different plants and their properties, years ago. She found it helped her craft, and many plants she learned about...had been used in Elvish Medicine. Including Athelas. As she searched for the plant..she picked up on the slight commotion. But busy worrying about Kili, she didn't think of it at first. Until Saeril grabbed her hand and the pair of them rushed towards the chaos. Yavanna's eyes widened when she saw the Company of Thorin...their company had been brought before the master. She just heard Alfred's Insult about them being desperate mercenaries. They had been caught, trying to steal weapons from the Armory. The weapons that Bard had given them; were not to their approval. They wanted something better for them all. Thorin didn't look too happy about that insult. Yavanna breathed out softly' low enough for Saeril to only hear. "Mime melin iluvátar, emme cannot lende tien er an a few moments" (My dear God, we cannot leave them alone for a few moments.) Thorin's jaw clenched...he stepped forward. "We are the Dwarves of Erebor! We've come to reclaim our homeland!" He proclaimed. There had been muttering among the crowd of people watching. He could hear Bilbo shivering slightly in the back, as young Bilbo stood besides Fili and Kili. "I remember this town, back in the Great days of Old! Fleets of boats, lay at harbor! Filled with Silks and Fine gems. This was no forsaken town on a Lake. This was the center of all trade in the North!" The crowd cheered for Thorin, agreeing with what he said. Lake town was not what it used to be back then. "I would see those great days return! Unite the great Dwarves and this town...send flows of riches and gems, coming from Erebor!" Yavanna could see the people's happiness at Thorin's speech. But she then felt Bard barge past them near by. Kili on the other hand felt somewhat guilty...if he hadn't tripped down the stairs with the weapons...they would not be here. But the pain in his leg, had returned forcefully. Making him loose balance in that moment, when he had been carrying those weapons. His leg felt sore again, but he ignored it. For everyone's sake...especially his uncle. He didn't want to be forced to stay back; Because of his injury. "Death! That is what you will bring upon us!" Bard shouted, as he stepped into the middle where Thorin stood. "Dragon fire and ruin. If you awaken that beast. It will destroy us all!" "You can listen to this Ney-sayer." Thorin said looking at the people of Lake Town "But I promise you this. If we succeed...all will share in the wealth of the Mountain. You will have enough Gold, to rebuild Lake town three times over!" The citizens cheered again, smiling.