"I'll give you everything I have left and bet is one of them," James looked towards his neighbors with rage in his eyes. Someone tried to kill him, or at least scare him out of town. Well, it wouldn't work. If anything, it just gave him more reason to stay. His least favorite neighbor glared back. The neighbor, Robert, always had it out for him. If anyone had the knowledge that James was different, this is what Robert would do with that knowledge. "I was sleeping. There isn't a doubt in my mind someone did this. Who did it though, that's the question. If it's arson, the only two people that would have notice to do this is my ex wife Catherine and that guy over there," James pointed to Robert, watching his expression. Yeah, Robert had done it. And he knew that James knew. It was too late now. You can't take back a look, especially one that reeked shame. "Might want to start with him." Robert had made a grave mistake. Now James had nothing to lose. His child was gone, his wife hated him, now all of his memories of the two were burning. Robert would suffer, James was sure of it. [@LordLinguinie]