[hider= Tyler][Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171120/5b8d57496f15f3a8d539dd2142fc2530.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e1/0f/a3/e10fa37412039ef057c05cffe9713d8a.png[/img] [hr] [color=E0FFFF]"I'm anything but coldhearted darling."[/color] [hr] Age: [color=E0FFFF]15[/color] Element: [color=E0FFFF]Water with a clear affinity for Ice[/color] Personality: [color=E0FFFF]Tyler is a cool and collected person who loves spending time with other people. He walks into a room ready to charm the socks off of who ever he can. Underneath that act Tyler lies practically compulsively, he's extremely irresponsible, unreliable, and to top it of has an actual disregard for his safety as well as the safety of others. Tyler is the kind of person who breaks the rules when he sees fit with little to no care for the consequences. He just tries to be smart and careful enough to get away with it. Most people don't see through his facade until its too late and they are in his way. This all being said, he tries to be nice to people if there's no reason for him not to be. He doesn't like to make enemies unless he has to, after all he loves being liked. When confronted about his underlying nature he is very offended and vehemently opposes what ever the other person is saying, due to the fact he feels he is just a normal kid. [/color] Backstory: [color=E0FFFF]Tyler grew up in a very chaotic and confusing world, his father was a diplomat and that line of work often dictated a very nomadic life style. His mother was ever the achiever, her line of work was charity management and improvement, a specialist who could turn around a failing or under performing charity in just months. This left his parents little time to be involved in Tyler's life or his sister's. This was the way he lived for many years, an unstable life style that did nothing to help ease his feeling of disconnection towards others. It wasn't that Tyler couldn't make friends, he just knew that his care and interest in their lives was superficial. This was generally not problematic for him, relationships with friends and family were just all about acting the way people wanted him too, it wasn't rocket science. In Tyler's later elementary school years his powers manifested themselves, after he took the habit of freezing his nanny's drinks after convincing her to let him 'have a sip.' His father and mother had many a late night conversation and after consulting a distant earth elementalist relative they decided it best to have their son sent to the Elemental Academy.[/color] Equipment: [color=E0FFFF] A notebook, he likes to write down what he knows about people to help him remember. This is a bit of a weakness if one were looking to slander his character.[/color] Theme: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NytGzDhMnA0[/url] [/center][/hider]