"Huh, well..." Joseph said, giving a nervous scratch to the back of his head. "I'm not really good at any of this, but I'm a little worried why would happen to you if those three idiots came back and I wasn't around to draw their ire. I'll wait with you for now." He waited for a moment, unsure of what exactly to say. Well, he assumed she probably lived in the city, so maybe she would know some nice, covered places. "So... As much as I hate to let those morons have any more ammunition, would you happen to know a nice area in the city for me to get some sleep. I'm fine with alleys and stuff, but somewhere with a roof would be better, considering how cardboard usually tends to hold up against rain... Maybe somewhere with a gazebo or something? I wouldn't mind somewhere to finish this in peace, after all." He shook the bottle of absinthe gently, only to notice something odd about the weight and look into it. He immediately regretted this, seeing that he had somehow finished it already. "Well, I actually have no idea how I finished that so quickly. It's probably a bad sign though..." He looked up after that, seeing a massive man carrying a blonde girl. When he called out to Victoria, he figured that his hunch was probably right, an pointed them out. "Hey Snow girl, is that your sister there?"