[h1]Ren White[/h1] What the actual fuck had happened this evening. So many different people, first at the student party - speaking of, Ren hoped they had made their way home safely - then here at the record shop. And all this business with that blonde guy. Who seemed pretty insistent on having met Ren before. [color=gray]What a mess.[/color] At least Marlin and her sister Vika was alright. [@PrinceAlexus] Turning towards the man who helped them out. He was unsure wether to thank him or yell at him, explaining he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. He settled on a slight nod in hos direction, hoping to leave it at that. [@RoccanIronclad] Vika had been talking to a rather shabby looking young man, but Ren didn't think much more about it.[@Rabidporcupine] He didn't care who he was or who Vika was socializing with. All he cared about now was getting home. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"I think I might have to accept your offer, Marlin. Thanks."[/i][/color] He said. He considered calling William, his chauffeur, but the roads had to be pretty chaotic at this point. It could be ages until he would even be here.