[@Raptra] As he was about to think his search was over, he heard a voice. He thought all that was for naught, but his work had payed off. The "Hello" reverberated inside him as he darted his head to see where the sound had come from. He peered around the tree she was hiding behind to reveal a small girl. How did she get here as well? Maybe this wasn't linked to Zilla, but thinking had to wait, they needed to survive. "Hello there, what's your name? I'm Lo" he said it as calmly as possible, as he looked very threatening with his arsenal on his sides and back and a full suit of armor on. Lo now had time to observe his surroundings. The air was very moist, and it seemed like it had recently rained, as it was dripping water from the thick jungle above. The ground was grass up to his knees and the occasional flower. What had he done to get on this island? He would try to figure out asap, but there were bigger worries to think about.