[quote=@Majoras End] [color=turquoise][b]SIGIL & LOCATION ⫻[/b][/color] (Okay just come up with a sigil, I'm lost) [color=turquoise][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Self-Healing, a restorative energy flows through Maddie that repairs all of her wounds, and resets her to a certain point. [color=turquoise][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] To reflect her thoughts of coming back to life, Madeline's abstraction gifted her the ability to heal at an accelerated rate using the same mystical force that flows through all the Awakened. Whenever she gets an injury, no matter how minor, it'll begin to glow with a mystical blue light that'll engulf it. After a few moments the light will fade, and the wound is healed. Depending on how severe the wound, the longer it'll take to heal. A stab wound would require, at most, ten minutes, while a broken leg would need an hour of healing. Anything smaller than that would either instantly regenerate, or take only a few moments. Any of Maddie's physical injuries can be healed (except for one type of injury). Long as she can survive it, she can effectively heal from anything. In addition, she can also heal from attacks dealt to the mind, or her emotions. [color=turquoise][b]IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOUNTAIN ⫻[/b][/color] When in the mountain's grace, her healing rate doubles. A stab wound takes five minutes, while a broken limb requires half an hour. Again, she'll near-instantly heal from anything smaller than that. In addition, she can pass on her healing energy to other people, and heal their wounds (albeit at a much slower rate). [color=turquoise][b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b][/color] Reflecting her fear of fire, Madeline can see the auras of things (objects [i]and[/i] people) that have been burnt by fire up to 34meters of herself. The clarity depends on how badly they've been burnt. If it was only lightly, then she can only barely see it. If it was burnt to a crisp, then she can see very clearly. Only thing is that, due to Maddie's fear of fire, her aura reading actively cuts off if it is currently in flames. [color=turquoise][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] Obstruction is the biggest limit to her self-healing. If there is an object in the way, then Maddie cannot heal it until the object is removed from her being. Speed is also the other limit; there isn't a limit to how much Maddie can heal at a time, but only how quickly she can do it. In addition, Maddie can still be knocked out, suffocated, etc. [color=turquoise][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] Fire is a big weakness for Maddie, not only does it disrupt her aura-reading, but it also disrupts her healing ability. When in the presence of fire, her healing slows down - and if it's an injury caused by fire, she actively cannot heal it any faster than any other wound. The process of healing is also a painful one, that'll make her feel twice the amount of pain as she heals. [/quote]