[hider=My opinion] Given the choice between the young, strong politician with a large army, the young, lucky artist with a bigger army, and the old war veteran with a smaller army, the last man is the best candidate for two reasons. 1. Experience and intelligence. A wise man with a smaller army will outperform and defeat an inexperienced or "lucky" man with a larger army. We can also expect him to treat his men with more respect and care, rather than a younger man who sees only numbers of swords rather than the men wielding them. 2. A smaller army means a bigger paycheck and more freedom. Our hearty band will be less valuable with 12-18,000 others, and we may find ourselves to be expendable. We have a handful of grizzled veterans here, along with a blacksmith and a nun. Of the three faction leaders, who would most appreciate that kind of group? [/hider]