[b]1-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray] "Oh fuck, I'm so mad right now! I'm stressed and I need a release! [b]HELP???[/b]"[/color] "[s]Sex[/s] Roleplay helps."[/i][/center][hr][b]2-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray]"Oh shyt, I zuck at inglesh and weed to improv my lawguage zkills. [b]HALP PLEAZE.[/b]"[/color] "Well, [s]how about you hit up elementry first?[/s] you can always roleplay. One-liner, advanced, doesn't really matter."[/i][/center][hr] [b]3-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray]"So I had my first wet dream about loads of biscuits, stuff and pork pies but my stepdad ruined it by waking me up. He was yelling about having to sleep and get up early and blah blah blah, squirt squirt, finally left, and I collapsed onto the floor. I want to experience this by writing.[b] Any suggestions?[/b]"[/color] "[s]Ask Gordon Ramsay's ghost to give you hand jobs[/s] I see, you can roleplay! Well, sort of food smut but still."[/i][/center][hr][b]4-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray]" Fucking bored, dude."[/color] "Fucking roleplay, dude."[/i][/center][hr][b]5-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray]"Guys, my life is a crazy road and I want to write. I want write for myself, for the sake of story, for the sake of beauty, for the sake of grief. I want to write with creative partners and have fun. Wake me up, save me..."[/color] "You write, I write. You're creative, I'm creative. How about we private message each other and [s]spam dank memes[/s] roleplay?"[/i][/center][hr][b]6-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray]"Bills are suffocating me. I'm caged, I need to b-b-breathe..."[/color] "Ever heard of [s]drugs[/s] Mouth-to-mouth roleplay resuscitation? It's method of artificial respiration in which roleplay rhythmically blows air into your imagination's lungs."[/i][/center][hr][b]7-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray]"I want to have sex, get pregnant by Gaybelline sparkle boyfriend and almost die."[/color] "Gotcha, the only way you can be bella from your own [b]Twilight Saga[/b] fiction is by roleplaying."[/i][/center][hr][b]8-[/b][center][i][color=darkgray]"I'm going to be straight honest here. So yeah, I read a fanfic where Voldemort had sex with Pikachu, can I please do that? Can I do that? Can-I-do-that? Can I do that too...? [b]cAnIdOpLeAsEtHaT.[/b]"[/color] "Everything is possible in roleplay communities. Yes, [s]you're mentally ill[/s] you can do it."[/i][/center][hr] My point in general is that everyone have varies reasons to roleplay, it can be as countless as [s]genders[/s] stars in space. Some escape and draw into the moment, some to plant names for themselves and discover meaning and purpose, some because they have weird fetishes, etc. But more importantly, we all roleplay because we have something to say, to communicate, and to deny what realistic world denies from us.