Drake sighed as he watched the cloud of dust in the distance. Readjusting his binoculars, the man could easily see that they were Drifters. Calling out to Foresight, Drake relayed the info to his crew. "Hey guys, we got a problem. Drifters are on the horizon." Turning his attention back to the Drifters, Drake's mind whirled. He needed to solve this with the least resources used. "Kirin, get us off the road, Now!" "Ok, here's the plan. We are going to wait of the side of the road in here. It should be difficult for them to see us from this far away. However, if they do come across us, we will have to defend ourselves without using the tank's ammunition. Kirin, get your bombs ready. Rusty, make sure you have that gun of yours loaded. Smokey, you stay here. Support Kirin, make sure she doesn't get hit." Sighing, Drake looked over at Foresight. What were the two of them going to do. Well, really, what was Foresight going to do. "Alright, I'm going to exit the tank and set up shop on the roof of that building over there." Drake pointed at a crumbling building that sat a ways away from the tank. Turning towards his long time chess rival, Drake gave his final orders. "Foresight, Since I won't be down here when the fight starts, I need you to make sure to do the right thing if the situation goes south, Ok?"