[h1][center]Elena Eudusa Agnes[/center][/h1] Elena had spent her day doing what she had normally did during the hours of the school day being quite the rebel. Picture this, a white haired girl wearing her hat inside on a school day inside of the school building at her desk at the very back of the class. The teacher too scared to meet her gaze for some [i]particular[/i] reason but she was still keeping her head down to work on the desk because well. This was a math class and of course numbers were pretty interesting to her, particularly how many punchs did it take to down an opponent. Maths was good for such simple fun things as that but of course she was mostly relaxing through the day always avoiding other peoples eyes, always looking down like she was guilty of something. She probably was but what did they know about her, little if anything. The only obligation she had was at the end of the school day when the clubs began because it turns out Ixveria had informed her prior of a new recruit and so her being the Queen Piece of the entire peerage thought it best to introduce herself to the budding new piece. Elena began walking towards the noticeboard with a confident smile on her face though her eyes were tilted downwards so nobody could see them and her hands were in her pocket, so people were parting for her for the fact that she looked like a menacing individual and not because they knew what her eyes actually did. Her white hair hanging low on her face she looked up if for a moment with her pale yellow eyes and gripped the shoulder of the woman in front whom was busy contemplating her decisions. "Hey, Looking for a club I see?" She said with a cheery tone as she leant forward and pressed her finger lightly against the notice for the art club. "I'd say you'd do pretty well in here." Elena suggested leaving the offer in the air, her eyes were closed as she smiled at the girl whom had fitted the description given to her by Ixveria.