[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LIkcPWU.png?1[/img][/center] Junko had only read a few pages before another girl came up to her, introducing herself and asking a few questions. She blinked, trying to process the rush of information. After a moment, she smiled at Ari [i](the smile didn’t exactly meet her eyes, but it was still genuine)[/i]. [color=plum]“Nice to meet you! I’m Junko Ruto,”[/color] she glanced down at her book, raising it to show off the cover [i](showing a large image of Nosferatu)[/i], [color=plum]“It’s a book about horror movies.”[/color] Actually, it was a book about popular subgenres of horror and the philosophy and psychology that made them work, but she didn’t want to go all horror-nerd and scare off a potential new friend just yet. [hr] [center][@Poi][/center]