Kili felt Yavanna and Saeril try and soothe him...not to mention...another Dwarf from their company, was fussing over him "Leave me alone." Kili grumbled...slapping his fellow Dwarf's hand away. "I am sorry Fili. We've had enough delays already." Thorin said "One day, when you'll be King. You'll understand. I can't risk this quest,for the sake of one Dwarf...even if it's my own kin." he told his elder nephew sadly. As Fili went to step out of the boat. Thorin grabbed his arm "Fili, don't be foolish. You belong with your company." Thorin said looking at his elder nephew. Before he glanced at Yavanna, wondering if the young she-elf would follow. "I am sorry Thorin...I can't leave Kili like this...he needs me." Yavanna told him; responding to his unspoken question to her. "I am not leaving Fili either...or Saeril." she spoke. They needed her; she considered them family. Plus, with Kili's condition seemingly worse...she had to stay.