[h3]Mission Details[/h3] There are reports of a vampire colony in the wilderness in between Rothenburg and Augsburg, on the edge of the Ondorro Forest. Reports are varied, but there appears to be around thirty vampires who live in an underground facility. There is a mixture of men, women and children who all live together. For the most part, they appear to be semi-peaceful, mainly feeding on local livestock. This has created it's own problems, as many of the nearby farmers have lost much of their income because of them. Not much is known about the lair itself as it seems to be mostly underground. There is a small cave that leads to the entrance with doors and stairs leading farther down into the earth. The Hunters are charged with eliminating the entire colony with no prisoners. This may prove difficult, both because of the shear numbers and the small population of children. The vampire threat is a growing one, however, and the king wishes to get rid of any and all possible future "problems". [hider=Map of the Vampire Hideout] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rCfV0vn.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h2]Captain Drystan[/h2] [h3]The Wilderness of Belvoir[/h3] Drystan led the hunters who chose to follow through the wilderness, searching for the supposed commune. With the help of the some of the skilled trackers, they were able to find the cave that lead to the compound. It was still daylight out when they arrived, they kept to the treeline in an attempt to stay hidden. Vampires were known for their heightened perception, so it would be difficult hiding from them if they were out. Luck favored the hunters, however, as the colony kept to themselves as much as possible, especially during the day. Before they moved towards the cave, Drystan paused and addressed the group. [color=silver]"What we know here is limited,"[/color] he began. [color=silver]"We'll have to approach cautiously. We need to try to keep the element of surprise, but that will be difficult. We are entering their home. We'll be on their turf and we don't know how many we are up against. No matter what happens, we need to remember our job. We are here to annihilate every last one of them. We do this for our King and our city. Don't let them down."[/color] With that, he gave them a nod before turning back to face the cave entrance. He grabbed a small tincture out of a pack attached to his belt. He popped the cork off and quickly downed the green liquid inside in one gulp.