[color=lightpink][b]Agent Woods[/b][/color] Washington D.C. [indent]The elevator arrived at the ground floor with a [i]ding![/i] as Cori re-holstered her gun and clipped her golden watch back to her wrist. She adjusted her white ponytail and picked her purse up off the ground beside her. Behind her, two men were going through the same motions as she had: presenting ID and removing items as they moved past security. As she stepped into the elevator and caught sight of their hopeful glances as they hurried to gather their things, she reached over to press the close door button without so much as a blink. It would be a long ride up to the twenty seventh floor, and she wasn't about to wait on anyone. As she ascended floors, occasionally stopping for another worker going the same way, she pulled the super's file to go over once more. She had nearly a decade on him in age, and she sighed inwardly. A babysitting gig, but a necessary step in her career. At least, she decided, he seemed rather complacent for a superhuman. He would serve fine as a weapon to point at the enemy as needed, and nothing about his powers gave him an edge on a normal human being. It gave him a relatively low threat level, but she would remain guarded. Supers had no true loyalty to their government. Cori looked up to see she was just about to arrive at the top floor, and she slipped the file away. The scent of tobacco still clung to her as she stepped out of the elevator. Easily enough she found the briefing room, and she stepped through its door without slowing down. "[color=lightpink]Alexander Simmons,[/color]" she greeted flatly as she removed her sunglasses. "[color=lightpink]I'm your new handler, Cori Woods. Ms. Woods or Agent Woods is fine, but I'm not looking to be on the babysitting gig for a long time so don't get used to it.[/color]" Her red eyes looked him up and down where he sat. He was about what she expected. [/indent] [@Blue2]