[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170829/546da9ebde6a8bf8f4ad21820a4703fa.png[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/b5620d22cae1e3ab16e06933d1dd5f06/tumblr_mlvfrtv74s1s9wgpdo1_500.gif[/img] [@LadyRunic][@Morose][@BlackPanther][@FantasyChic][@LokiLeo789][@BlueSky44][@Infamous Auror][@Dragoknighte][@rivaan] Time: [i]1:05PM[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [@FantasyChic][@Infamous Auror] The oldest hunter looked at Finley for a moment, he was taken aback slightly from the girl's sudden sarcastic demeanor. "Spunk I like that." He said with a slight laugh, but the group was grateful regardless for their advice on where to go and eat and then leave. "Thank you, you two be careful now with that murder and the girl going missing." The group waved goodbye to both Declan and Finley as they started to head down towards the trail that Finley and Declan had just came from after leaving the town hall. One thing that was slightly off however from Jenna's text was that if you were within the mine itself you wouldn't have any reception at all with whatsoever. But then again she could actually be inside the mine if the two of you do decide to go, but it would make Declan even weaker then he was now if he entered the mine. [@Morose] Miss Halsey looked towards Jenna for a moment as she mentioned a ghost, though it didn't really surprise her that much. "Of course i'm legit." She said sounding offended, then she started to wonder what it was exactly that Jenna had seen what the mayor had gotten his hands onto. "Do you happen to have any of it, or any kind of picture. It would certainly help knowing what it exactly is." The elderly woman said as she started to make her way towards one of the shelves, where it had a bunch of dusty old books of all kinds to find some summoning books that she had on hand. [@BlueSky44] "I don't really think that anyone has been living here in years." James said as he started to walk closer towards the house and looked into one of the windows that were there. Inside it looked like the whole place was full of dust and cobwebs, yep no one appeared to have been here for a very, very long time. He looked towards Lydia and the now sleeping kitten that was curled up in her arms then towards Allie. "I guess we should go in and look inside shall we?" James asked as he moved towards the door, and was surprisingly locked at least the front door was. "Maybe we could try the back instead?" He suggested. [@LadyRunic] It was a little bit after one in the afternoon Alice had moved in about a week ago, there was a knock on her door, when Alice opened it was one of her next door neighbors. It was an elderly woman she gave her a soft and friendly smile as she held a wrapped up container inside contained some cake. "Hey there, even though it has been a week we just wanted to welcome you to our quaint little town." She said, behind her looked like to be a small five year old most likely her grandson. Alice would have also heard some of the news about the girl who had gone missing a week ago and the morning if she had the news playing or if she was out and about earlier the press conference in front of town hall. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=steelblue]Abraham Serafin[/color][/h1] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/cb9G5fsueTFLi/giphy.gif[/img] [I]Location: Outside town hall where the crime scene was. Interacting With: [@rivaan] Kosara Koleva[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Abraham looked towards his niece and gave her a slight nod, it didn't mean that she was alive or dead just yet, it could also mean that she is infected as well. [color=steelblue]"She could still be alive, but not ruling out that shes isn't either."[/color] Abraham said as he took the scrap of cloth and stuffed it into his pocket. He looked towards her for a moment as she mentioned about using some kind of tracking spell to hopefully find her. [color=steelblue]"If she isn't warded then that could be helpful."[/color] Abe said, though he wasn't sure if it would even work or not spells were useful as Abe slowly got back up to his feet again and continued to following along the trail his eyes carefully scanning around to try and find any other trace as to where the girl's whereabouts were at. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Olivia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82kymS22v1qhsmbwo1_250.gif[/img] [I]The Lake Interacting With: [@BlackPanther] Clifford Norman [@Apoalo] Leo Everwood[@Infamous Auror] Taylor Evers & [@LokiLeo789] Joey Holloway,[@Dragoknighte] Harry Kingsfield[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Olivia looked over at Leo and then at the strange dog she assumed was Clifford as he tried to nudge him off to follow him, her attention then went towards Taylor as well as Joey. She couldn't help but smirk seeing the two love birds getting along pretty well, Olivia tried to imitate doing a kissy face towards Taylor and Joey as she let Sadie bolt off down the shoreline of the lake. It seemed that the dog was having a blast with running along the sandy like dirt. [color=lightgreen]"Why don't the two of you get a room."[/color] Olivia said jokingly towards her friends as she crossed her arms over her shoulder. Harry wouldn't be seen by the others, but he was in earshot of what the others were talking about, he could go out and introduce himself to the others and ask a few questions. But if he decided to wait a little bit and talk to them separately they may or may not think he would be suspicious. Leo was about to go after Clifford, as he wanted to be close to him, when Olivia called out towards Leo. [color=lightgreen]"Hey we should all stick together that way we can make sure that nothing happens."[/color] Olivia said looking over towards Clifford, raising an eyebrow at the red dog. Leo looked towards Clifford and gave a nod as he looked at Clifford, he noticed that the collar was making him uncomfortable as he knelt down and helped to adjust it around his neck to make it comfortable for his boyfriend. "She does have a point." Leo whispered into Clifford's ear, he just wanted to make sure that his boyfriend was alright as well.