When the woman he'd seen in the file picture came in, Alexander stood up and looked back at her. He had a few smart remarks for her, but these people had no sense of humour. Since he would be around this woman a lot in the near future he decided against any of those remarks at this time. She would be his boss for the coming time after all. He would end up pissing her off soon enough, he guessed. That was inevitable when they hated you for breathing air even before they ever met you and now was not the time to fight. A couple of years ago he would have chosen differently, but he'd learned to accept him place. She intended to use him to get higher up. At least she didn't deny that. He preferred brutal honesty to gentle lies and she seemed like she would say exactly what was on her mind. Alexander bit his tongue and schooled his face to be as blank as he could muster. He folded his hands behind his back, taking on a stance that said he was no threath to her, just waiting for orders. He may not have a power he could use against normals, just being a super was enough to make them expect you to attack them with invisible forces anytime they turned their backs on him. Standing like this usually helped avoid aggression. Alexander wondered how this day would turn out. He guessed they were already assigned a job, though he had no idea what that was. As his new boss, it was her job to brief him. Would she want to question him first or would she get on with it? [@Kidd]