[@Kalleth] [color=PowderBlue][h1][center]Amelia Lycrosse[/center][/h1][/color] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/50/da/21/50da21fe08219c0aa739d047bfc8a42d--manga-girl-drawing-anime-art-girl.jpg[/img][/center] Amelia snorted. [color=PowderBlue]"Aah. I'm sorry. He decided that my name was 'Air girl'. I don't even control air!"[/color] A pot shattered, the result of Amelia's anger. She felt her power drain away as she experienced a 'power blackout' when she lost her powers for at least four hours.[color=PowderBlue]"I decided to do Art and Technology. Art-tech. Like, CGI and anime. Manilow is [i]such[/i] a prick. I hate physical education."[/color] Amelia flopped on her bed. [color=PowderBlue]"I'm really bad with names. What's your name, again? I'm Amelia, in case, ya know, you couldn't remember."[/color] The sky was turning a beautiful pink at the sunset. [color=PowderBlue]"How's your plant coming along?"[/color] Amelia gestured to the still not-blooming flower. [color=PowderBlue]"It's beautiful."[/color]