[indent][b]October 26th, 8:00 PM Caracas, Venezuela[/b][/indent] Holy shit, he actually [i]did[/i] it. He really [i]was[/i] that stupid! And how thankful she was that her hunch about him being entirely made of...whatever that gas was had been correct. He had a face, but nothing [i]else.[/i] Then again, after the whole harpy incident as well at Tank, she supposed she should be used to dudes flashing her at this point. What was wrong with her life? But never mind that. This was her chance. [color=orchid]"Alright, I'm gonna show you now! You ready?"[/color] Lady Arcana beamed a smile at him, slowly raising her hands. Focusing on the laylines that ran through the ocean depths below, she swiftly called upon the arcane energy she required before unleashing it at the area immediately surrounding Bang. Warping and forming into a shimmering blue sack that enveloped the energy being, it oscillated and crackled with what appeared to be electricity. The sack looked like it was made of solid electricity, [i]somehow.[/i] In truth, however, it wasn't lightning...it was raw arcane energy! Lighting up the night sky with its persistent glow, she smirked at the little golden thunderbolt shining at the center of it. That [i]always[/i] appeared on any magical object she managed to create, almost like a brand logo. Heh. [color=orchid]"Okay! Now let's give you that cold shower you so very obviously need!"[/color] Lady Arcana snickered, darting into the water while making sure she was a fair distance from where his suit had landed. She didn't need him crawling back into it, after all. She would also make sure to grab both parts before she left. Flying a good one thousand feet beneath the surface, Lady Arcana finally allowed her magic sack to dissipate, watching closely to see what would happen next.