[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358494681383960576/image.png?width=493&height=182[/img][/center] Mamoru awoke in her bed, somewhat sticky and wearing some parts of her uniform. While her top was off she was still wearing her stockings, which made her feel a tad uncomfortable. They felt very stuffy. This Mamoru jumped out of bed and went to deal with the Classic morning ritual of finding herself fresh regalia, cleansing the body of filth and impurities, and refueling to confront today’s new challenges. That is to say, change clothes, use the bathroom, and get breakfast. By the time Mamoru was done it was roughly 0730, give or take. She didn’t remember when she woke up by she did know she took her sweet time in the shower. Her breakfast was packed with nutrients, eating a whole two breakfast sausages, a large bowl of oatmeal, two bananas, an apple, and even a salad. She washed it all down with a bottle of orange juice as she ran out of the dorm in her crisp new uniform. Mamoru’s arrival to class was uneventful, aside from Mamoru running through the halls and narrowly avoiding people, even the few who actively tried to stop her. To her it was just all good fun. [color=pink]”Gooooood morning Krusty Krew! What’s on today’s agenda?”[/color] Taking her seat Mamoru looked at the board and saw that her name was paired up with others in different groups. Even Mamoru could recognize a team when she saw it. [color=pink]”Ooooh! New teams! Another battle royal? I wonder where we’re fighting at this time!”[/color] Mamoru seemed hype. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img][/center] Donny had awoken in his room. At some point he left those garbage cans and left a surprise for whoever was throwing away trash (the surprise was there there was no trash and the entire bins were spotless). He lifted himself out of the metal basin that served as his bed; unlike others who needed beds or at least a mat, Donny felt most comfortable in anything that could reliably contain his body when at rest. He disliked how restrictive his meat bag felt when he sleeps, and being on a bed made him feel nervous that he was eventually just going to fall off. And when he just sleeps on the floor his body just naturally spreads itself out everywhere. Thus after he gathered himself up Donny went to his meat sack. It was somewhat ghastly to see the flayed flesh of a humanoid person hanging off the wall like a coat, but for Donny that was just how he prepared himself in the mornings. He grabbed a fresh meat sack, not the one that was a bit beat up from yesterday, and snuck to the baths. He was all too aware that he smelled like garbage and he needed to get rid of that smell in his room. Fortunately he had an air freshener. Donny had his breakfast in the bathroom by filling a tub up with water, washing his body and random teeth, then drinking his bath water completely. That was as fulfilling of a meal as a normal breakfast was, which of course Donny still went to make. Unlike last night's dinner, Donny’s breakfast was a simple meal consisting nothing but cereal and milk. Namely a bowl of every cereal in the pantry with milk. He had at least five bowls before he decided that would be enough, though he also packed snacks. He still had the onigiri from yesterday so he tucked that away. He also brought a bit of tubberware and saved himself two slices of cheese cake. He filled up a bottle with water and another with apple juice. Lastly, a bag of Machiko’s cookies. [color=firebrick]”This ought to last me to lunch.”[/color] Once everything was packed Donny left the dorms and went to his home room. He was trying to feel excited but frankly he was rather anxious. He knew this was a hero school and they were going to do a lot of hardcore stuff. He just kinda hoped that maybe the first day of class was just sort of a crash course, and afterwards they’ll take it a bit more slow with this hero stuff. So it didn’t make him feel any better when he entered class and saw that his name was paired up with multiple others. He just gulped and shuffled to his seat. [color=Firebrick]”S-So we’re fighting again…”[/color]