[center][img]https://www.firstcomicsnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Punisher-Logo-600x257.png[/img][/center] [b][i]Manhattan 12:52 A.M[/i][/b] [i][color=ec008c]"I'm starting with the man in the mirror" "I'm asking him to change his ways!" "And no message could have been any clearer" If you wanna-"[/color][/i] A stubby finger clicked the taxi radio off.[color=f6989d]"Alright here's your stop pal"[/color]. The cab driver eyed the cash counter with a grin.[color=f6989d]"$22.45,you payin with cash or a card?"[/color]. Frank didn't speak. Instead he placed a fifty dollar bill into the cabbie's hand and opened the car door,stepping outside as he did so. The vigilante grabbed a black dufflebag from the floorboard and slung it over his shoulder. The cab sped off,leaving Frank infront of the derelict warehouse. From his various informants,Frank had found out that this was the place where Donald'The Don' Levetto produced and distributed half the city's ketamine. That wouldn't be the case after tonight. He quickly but pragmatically made his way behind the large building where the circuit box and the backdoor resided. Frank set the duffle down on the ground and unzipped it,producing one M18 claymore mine and a military-grade gas mask. The claymore was planted just three feet away from the door,the tripwire tightly wrapped around the door handle. One light pull to make sure it was taut. With a strong yank the wires it the circuit box were ripped in half. Lights out. Time for work. Time for [b]Punishment.[/b] [s] [/s] Donald was [b]not[/b] a happy man. First and foremost,one of the supply trucks got pulled by the feds earlier in the week,so production and profit were gonna be low as shit. Second,the lights in the crap building went out..again.[color=6ecff6]"Ay Johnny,go out back and check the circuit breaker"[/color]. Johnny Levetto had just injected himself with about twice the dose he normally did."[color=f6989d]"Sure...no problem...big...bro".[/color]. His speech was slurred and his pale blue eyes rolled to the back of his head. He wasn't going to be of any use for a while.[color=6ecff6]"Damn junkie"[/color].The gangster said with a scowl.[color=6ecff6]"Tony,get your ass out back and check the circuit breaker. Now."[/color]. The capo nodded and stumbled in the inky blackness,feeling for the door. His hands graced upon smoothed metal, and then a door handle "[color=fff200]I think I found the door!"[/color]. [i]Click[/i] The entire backside of the warehouse exploded violently,instantly atomizing the unlucky soul who opened the door. The abrupt explosion set off a chain-reaction within the warehouse,causing the various ketamine stations to explode,bringing their cooks to a fiery demise. The sound of blood curdling screams quickly filled the warehouse. Skin was melted from bone. Blood was brought to boiling inside living hosts. It was hell on earth. Donald had been blown to the far side of the warehouse. His back had slammed straight into the steel wall,breaking his spine in all but a few places. Despite this,he was alive. And conscious. The mobster turned his head towards the hell-fire,watching as his men were burned alive and their skin peel back,revealing the muscle and veins underneath. Donald stared at the scene for what seem like an eternity until a dark silhouetted figure appeared behind the fire.[i][color=6ecff6]Keep it together Don,just ya mind playing tricks on you[/color][/i]. The figured emerged from the fire,two Colts in each hand. A man. No, not a man,a nightmare. [b]The Punisher[/b]. Donned in a gas mask and the signature skull,Frank methodically made his way to Don. His black combat boots squished with each slow step. That blood would be hard to get off later. The Punisher knelt down beside Don,placing the smooth barrel of the right-hand Colt to his temple.[b]"Donald"[/b]. The former mobster was sobbing uncontrollably,aware of what his fate was now.[b]"Donald, the way I see it is that you've got about five more minutes to live. So before that happens,I need you to tell me who your supplier is"[/b]. [color=6ecff6]"Burn in hell Punisher"[/color] Wrong answer. [i]Blam![/i] One .45 ACP round,straight through the shoulder. Donald cried out in agony,eyeing his shoulder as deep crimson fluid flowed from it.[b]"Try again"[/b]. Frank dug the barrel of the gun deep into the wound,twisting the weapon as blood gushed from the it. Donald screamed in antagonizing pain.[color=6ecff6]"Dogs Of Hell!Dogs Of Hell!,just stop,please stop"[/color]. The Punisher removed his Colt from the wound,blood tripping off the barrel.[b]"Now that wasn't too hard,right Don?"[/b]. Frank placed the barrel back to Don's temple,a black gloved thumb pulling the hammer back. [color=6ecff6]"You'll never kill them Punisher,they're outta your league. You're a dead man."[/color]. The mobster chuckled a little,which soon turned into a violent cough. [b]"Dead Man?"[/b] [i]Blam![/i] [b]"Oh,but I've never felt more alive"[/b] Don's blood and brain matter were flung onto the wall,like a artist would fling paint onto a canvas. Killing was Frank's art and blood was his paint. The vigilante stood from his crouched position and exited the nearly flame engulfed building. His work was done here. He had a new objective now. The Dogs Of Hell.[i]I'm coming for you..[/i]. Frank was right down the street from a local 24/7 diner. Maybe he'd pay them a visit. [s] [/s] [b]Manhattan 1:26 A.M[/b] [i][color=f26522]"Breaking News from the meatpacking district. Earlier today several fires erupted from a disused warehouse where, Donald 'The Don' Levetto was currently making and distributing ketamine. Officials say that the blaze was relatively easy to put out but the cause of which is currently unknown. Some are saying it was a gask leak that eventually caught flame,while others say that the fire was started purposely. Donald and all his capos were found charred inside the remnants of the building. Stay tuned for more updates"[/color][/i] Frank turned away from the high-hanging television and went to sipping his coffee. His black leather trench coat was buttoned to where his skull covered armor wasn't visible. [i]A cryin shame how such a unfortunate thing could happen[/i]. A smirk formed on his lips at the thought. Frank didn't care if he got recognition,all that mattered is that he was making the streets safe. The world safe. One fat gangster at a time.