[Center][h1]Jewel/28[/h1][/center] [center]Psychometry, Kansas City, MO[/center] It was nearing the end of Jewel's shift when she was called into her supervisor's office and she frowned, wondering what she had done, using her gift was always a bit sketchy but it was usually easy to hide. She swallowed as she knocked and stepped inside the office brushing a stray hair from her cheek as she moved to sit down. [color=red] "Ah Jewel, I'm glad to see you!" [/color] she said with a smile as she pulled up a file on her computer and nodded [color=red] "Yes, here it is, I recommended you for a hospital transfer sometime ago, our sister hospital in Washington State needs some nurses and I thought you would be perfect. They just sent me the letter confirming that they would like you to join them there. If you can leave soon, then that would be ideal, they sent tickets for you and have an apartment waiting until you get settled." [/color] Jewel was stunned by the sudden news that they would be sending her farther way from her home but in her mind she knew it was probably a smart move, the farther away she was from DC the better it would be for her. [color=blueviolet]"That is extremely sudden but I was starting to think that maybe it would be a good idea to move" [/color] She smiled as she said this and shook her head a little, she would miss her friends but in truth it was probably for the best and she knew she would need to start making plans. [color=blueviolet] "Thank you ma'am, I'll leave first thing in the morning, after I talk to a friend about taking care of my house.[/color] She stood and shook the womans hand before she clocked out and headed home. Jewel spoke with her friends and got her house taken care of, and enough clothes packed for a few weeks, knowing that her friends would send the rest of her things too her after she was settled in a house there. It wasn't long after she had left the hospital that she was on her way to Washington state. It was about the middle of the afternoon the next day when she finally arrived and at the large airport, having left her motorcyle behind for now she had to rent a car and was driving for a little while until she saw a little dive bar by the side of the road, [color=blueviolet] "Hmm, the Hogs Horn Tavern, should be fun..." [/color] She pulled into the lot and headed inside rubbing her arms against the sudden chill, she was thankful she was used to the cold weather. [color=blueviolet] "Hello" [/color] She called out not seeing anyone when she walked inside. [@CrabInATree]